Every WordPress developer should follow and implement these necessary tools during the building of any website. Hire Wordpress developers in Australiaand read this article in detail.  

WordPress is one of the most sought after programmes for website development. Businesses largely rely on this for creating their online presence and conveying brand awareness. The field of WordPress is witnessing major progress and advancements. Wordpress developers in Australia are using major tools and resources to build their projects and also work while maintaining full ethics and standards. 

The task of WordPress development may be challenging. However with the existence of some useful tools, one can build steady, streamlined and appealing websites for their clients. The developers can achieve their task without worry, making space for exceptional workflow and superior quality of work. The tools are mentioned and explained below - 


These are simplified applications with the help of which one can write and edit their own codes. This forms the cornerstone of almost every developer’s toolkit. There are dozens of options to choose from which delivers superior functionality and performance. One should only choose that text editor which is comfortable to work with.  

  • Atom

A suitable cross-platform text editor, using this the developer can edit any file type, modify extensions and theme. Utilise this to collaborate on real-time projects. Since it is also open-source, it works the best with WordPress.   

  • Sublime Text

It is the next best option for developers. It is a lighter approach. It comes along with an adequate collection of plugins and themes, also allowing for customisation.  

2. Local WordPress Development Environment

For any website to function, a full configured server is necessary. For this, the developer uses tools to configure all the local server environments, so as to build offline websites. The benefit of this is that the pages load faster than when online. One also gets a safer testing space. This can also be used better during the learning times, functionality staging and to build full websites before launching them live.   

These tools of offline servers install the database and server software . One can set up Local development on any UNIX based OS also. 

3. File Transfer Protocol Clients (FTP)

At many times, the developer needs access to files from the WordPress site. These files are often required for editing. Uploading new files, performing other tasks like housekeeping file management etc. One can access these files using the command tool for WordPress, utilising the file manager via the panel for web hosting, or after making use of the FTP clients which is installed easily in one’s local computer.  

This FTP is mostly favoured by all because here one is provided with better user interfaces along with many additional features and functionality. One should consult their hosting provider to get the right settings for the server, in order to connect through FTP. Afterwards, these settings can be saved and can be done by anyone. 

4. Version Control System   

In any task of website development, a lot of small changes are done from time to time. This may lead to multiple versions of the same project. With the help of The VCS or Version Control Software , one can keep track of all these changes so that they can be retraced whenever needed. One can also compare one changing version to the other. While there are many forms of VCS, the most famous, distributor version is Git. 

Using these tools is essential in experiencing good website development. Once the developer is absolutely comfortable in using them, the task becomes more efficient.

Author's Bio: 

Jonathan Paul is an expert Wordpress developer in Australiaworking in a reputed company named PHPProgrammers . Here, the author has elaborated on some of the most essential tools that every WordPress developer should follow for more efficient results.