If you are not getting calls from recruiters despite updating your resumes on job portals. In that case, your resume must fall into the resume's black hole. Most of the recruiters use job portals to fetch job seekers' resumes, and here in one search, thousands of resumes appear on the screen. So to impress recruiters to call you for an interview, your resume must stand out from the crowd.
Ideally, a recruiter doesn't spend more than 6 seconds on a resume. Catching the eye of the recruiter in such a short is challenging for a resume. Most of the resumes look the same, so a different resume gets the recruiter's attention instantly.
Resume writing is a crucial task, and to make a different one is tricky. Still, if a job seeker follows some easy rules, it will be easy to highlight their resume in-crowd. Here are a few tips that you keep in mind to make a unique and attractive resume.
Tips to Make an Attractive Resume
Writing an impressive resume demands time and effort, and pressure to bring information together and arrange it in a meaningful way to make the fingers tired even before initiating the task. This is why a job seeker needs a guide that can help him to write a resume that can stand out from the crowd. Your resume is like a first impression, and it has to be good to get a call from a hiring manager. Making a unique resume is not difficult if you will have the basics clear in your mind; Instead of putting so much of your time, look back for picking a professional resume writing service .
· Use of Right Keywords
Now, most of the companies have hiring software or job portals that run on algorithms. The algorithm reads the keyword searched by recruiters in your resume. If the keyword is present in a resume, then your resume will appear on the screen. So keep the keywords in mind as they play a significant role in fetching your resume. The most sorted tjing that you can do is look for a leading resume writing services in India . Keywords can be Sales manager in the IT industry or similar to your profile.
· Resume Format
There was a time when resumes used to be in chronological format only. All the resumes of job seekers had the same format; hence most of them could not impress the recruiters. But now job seekers understand that an attractive resume can get them a job, so they spend time making one. You, too, can choose a suitable format for your resume based on your experience. If you are a fresher, then choose a skill-based resume format. For executive-level job seekers, a combined format will work better. If you have five or more years of experience, then choose the traditional chronological format. However, for the same you can also opt for hiring an executive resume writing services.
· Font
To impress a recruiter with your resume, you will have to make it easy to read, so pick the font type, size, and color with high readability. To make a unique resume, you can ditch the traditional font types like Times New Roman and Arial. Shift to another font type like Calibri, Bookman Old style, or Georgia. Many hiring managers and recruiters believe that a shorter resume is good, but to resume short, do not pick eight font sizes. The font size should be easy to read. The font color of the resume can be different from black. You can choose colors like Blue, Brown, or grey to make your resume look different, but it should not affect your resume's readability.
· Mention Accomplishments
Most resumes have roles and responsibilities where job seekers mention what they do. But if you will see this part with your accomplishments, then your resume will look unique. Mention your responsibilities but do not forget to highlight your achievements. Suppose you have achieved your sales target, but the accomplishment is how sooner you did it. We would suggest you quantify your success in your resume, like how much profit, margin, or business you did for your company. It always increases your value and worth to the employer.
· Use of Bullets
The use of bullets increases the readability of a resume and stands it out from the crowd. The short description mentioned in bullets attracts the reader to read it and understand the job seekers' caliber. Always mention the awards and recognition in bullets as it leaves a positive impression on the hiring manager. When you write about your previous work in bullets, start the sentences with power verbs like achieved, increased, initiated, and resolved.
· Career Objectives
To write an impressive resume and making it stand out from the crowd do not ignore your resume's career objectives. You must write an objective instead of copying it from somewhere. Consider your resume as your advertisement script. If the objective is unique, then your customer (the hiring manager) will become interested in talking to you about the job. Mention your experience and designation here, and don't make it too long.
· Career Objectives
To write an impressive resume and make it stand out from the crowd do not ignore your resume's career objectives. You must write an objective instead of copying it from somewhere. Consider your resume as your advertisement script. If the objective is unique, then your customer (the hiring manager) will become interested in talking to you about the job. Mention your experience and designation here, and don't make it too long.
Final Words
So, we enlisted everything that you needed to create a stand out from the crowd resume. But, the best thing that you can ever do is hiring a reliable resume writing services. We are sure if you do that, you will never end up with any sort of disappointment.
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