Posted on Friday, December 24th, 2010 at 12:37 pm

New Years is traditionally the time to commit to changes and new horizons in our lives. A new revolutionary, life changing field of study, practice, and self-therapy is presented this year for your New Years Resolution consideration.

In recent times we have all seen, heard, and felt the significant rise in human emotional struggle from throughout the world and within our own unique personal lives. Fewer people are happy and are living more and more emotionally distressed lives.

Imagine learning the knowledge & skills to literally change the way you think and the emotional landscape of your life each day.

A new field where you learn the Self-Therapy Principles, Process, and Path to healthier psychological functioning and happiness you will never forget, use many times each day, and will last your lifetime.

Thinkiatry’s Principles will teach you that the solution to healthy psychological functioning, happiness and contentment in our lives lies hidden in the way we think. Negative thoughts are of absolutely no value except to warn us we are emotionally off track and headed toward unhappy feelings, moods and relationships.

We are all vulnerable to endless negative thoughts because of our habitual thought systems learned since childhood. We all accept the way we think and our often dysfunctional resulting emotions as “Just the way life is.” As a result, our individually unique habitual thought systems have controlled our thinking, feelings, moods, and relationships with others throughout our lives.

The evidence that our habitual thought systems are dysfunctional and don’t work is everywhere. How many people due you know who are truly happy with their lives today? How many struggle with broken families, depression, anxiety , anger, stress, and so on?

Briefly, Thinkiatry’ Principles will train you how to monitor and change your thoughts, feelings, moods, and relationships. To literally take control of your dysfunctional habitual thought system, by altering your thought processes to virtually eliminate the negative thoughts and emotions we have all suffered from since childhood. For most, results and emotional relief are almost immediate and can be used throughout each day to assure healthier psychological functioning and happiness .

Well, I hope you have heard enough to seriously consider becoming a Certified Thinkiatrist in 2011?

If you do, I would like to reward you with the first two of 12 classes FREE – go to and click the Green Schedule Now button to view the schedule by Subject, Date, and Time.

You can become a Certified Thinkiatrist with the knowledge and skills to change the way you think and the emotional landscape of your life for the better forever for a net cost of ten $20 Classes or $200 –

Seriously, can you afford not to?

Welcome to Thinkiatry Webinar! This is your path to self improvement and happiness.

Author's Bio: 

About The Founder:

John L. O’Brien was born in Lafayette, Indiana where his parents attended Purdue University, but he calls South Bend, Indiana home. He was an Irish kid growing up in a Jewish neighborhood within blocks of the University of Notre Dame. He has been married for more than twenty- eight years. He has four children and four grandchildren.

The only thing John has ever won in his life was the number five (5) pick for the Viet Nam draft lottery in 1969.

He earned his B.A.; M.A.; and Ph.D. in Business and Human Resource related studies. John has studied human emotions and psychological functioning for more than three decades, searching for a path to achieve lasting happiness and contentment in life. He has founded an entirely new field of study to achieve and continually refine each individual’s path to Healthy Psychological Functioning called Thinkiatry™. Studying Thinkiatry to become a Thinkiatrist™ has the potential to help millions of people alter their lives for the better, forever.

Always Watch What You Think!John O’Brien – 2010