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I have not been able to find any definitive scientific source, but the best source I could find estimates that the average person has approximately 50,000 thoughts each day. To my knowledge, we don’t know where our thoughts come from, but like our heartbeat and breathing are simply functions of being alive. That’s 18,250,000 thoughts per year average. Multiply that by your age and the result equals your average total lifetime thoughts; hundreds of millions of thoughts that create your unique life perceptions, experience, emotions, and perceived reality that we call our Habitual Thinking Processes.

When was the last time you thought about how you think; probably never? Why don’t we think about the way we think? Well, because no one has ever given us a reason; that’s why Thinkiatry’s Principles and Process have been created to teach that the key to healthy psychological functioning and happiness in our lives lies hidden within the way we habitually think. The good news is that to achieve your life’s highest level of mental health and happiness you have the opportunity to learn Thinkiatry’s Principles and Process to monitor and manage your Habitual Thinking.

You now have a choice. You may stay where you are in your dysfunctional Habitual Thinking comfort zone and live with your own unique level of emotional distress each day or, you can begin to take Thinkiatry’s classes and learn the knowledge and skills required to change the emotional landscape of your life for the better, forever.

Thinkiatry’s five Principles will teach you how we think and why habitual negative thoughts are responsible for the levels of stress, anxiety , anger, depression and so on in our society today. How our feelings and subsequent moods are created by the way we think. How understanding the Separate Realities Principle will unlock relationship quality you never thought possible. Finally, you learn the process to achieve the elusive and prized life in the moment, where happiness and contentment are the only menu items.

The remaining classes will teach you how to apply Thinkiatry’s Principles to five of life’s typical emotional challenges: Relationships, Stress, Habits & Addictions, Solving Life Problems, and Happiness .

Group classes are pre-scheduled for each calendar month. Go to www.thinkiatrywebinar.com click on the Green Schedule now button to view class subjects, dates, and time. Just choose a class and click Register Now. Registration requires only your first name, last name, and email address.

We do not require any upfront class fees because we will not turn away those whose lives have been devastated by our current financial and economic crisis. We do rely totally upon donations to fund our operations. We ask those who can donate to base your contribution upon the value you feel you have received from each class.

I urge you to not ignore, procrastinate, or fear this opportunity, the group classes are fun and the results immediate, register for classes now, space is limited.

Fee based tutored classes are also available for individuals, marriages, life partners, families , small companies, and other groups.

Call me at 1-800-409-4979 for a free, confidential consultation.

Become a Thinkiatrist, the happiest people on earth.

Author's Bio: 

About The Founder:

John L. O’Brien was born in Lafayette, Indiana where his parents attended Purdue University, but he calls South Bend, Indiana home. He was an Irish kid growing up in a Jewish neighborhood within blocks of the University of Notre Dame. He has been married for more than twenty- eight years. He has four children and four grandchildren.

The only thing John has ever won in his life was the number five (5) pick for the Viet Nam draft lottery in 1969.

He earned his B.A.; M.A.; and Ph.D. in Business and Human Resource related studies. John has studied human emotions and psychological functioning for more than three decades, searching for a path to achieve lasting happiness and contentment in life. He has founded an entirely new field of study to achieve and continually refine each individual’s path to Healthy Psychological Functioning called Thinkiatry™. Studying Thinkiatry to become a Thinkiatrist™ has the potential to help millions of people alter their lives for the better, forever.

Always Watch What You Think!John O’Brien – 2010