These days, there are plenty of stories in the mainstream press about erectile dysfunction, often called ED for short. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of misinformation about the condition, the people it affects, and the treatment options. When ED is viewed as a challenge that both members of the couple must face, an entirely different approach is possible. If you are a man suffering from any type of sexual malady, it is always better to have someone by your side, fighting with you.

ED is one of the more common sexual disorders facing males. About ten percent of all men suffer from ED, but those over age 50 will encounter ED at least once in their lifetimes. Keep in mind, however, that the disorder is not a regular part of the aging process. While older men do indeed require longer intervals between erections, and typically need extra stimulation to achieve a quality erection, ED itself is not directly connected to the aging process.

There are several methods of dealing with ED that a doctor will prescribe. While therapy and Viagra are the most common and well known, other (rare) options include surgery or an implant device. More often than not, however, Viagra is the treatment of choice for any male who has erectile dysfunction. For couples, it is not always ED that presents sexual challenges. In fact, women have their share of arousal, intimacy , and desire issues that can interrupt a healthy sex life.

For couples who face ED, though, the medical profession says the first line of defense is communication. Viagra can usually take care of the medical side of the dysfunction, but the personal aspect is best mended by open discussion between the man and woman.

Getting all the facts about ED is helpful for a couple. That way, they understand the severity of the particular case, and whether Viagra or some other option is necessary. Keeping a positive mental attitude is another healthy coping mechanism for men and women. Couples should stay up to date on the situation by asking questions during doctor visits. In addition, it helps to realize that there are many reliable treatment choices.

In addition, for couples who are dealing with ED, it is a good idea for both partners to stay in shape by jointly adopting a healthier lifestyle. Perhaps you smoke or drink too much. Cutting out these harmful habits can go a long way toward building a stronger, healthier sex life. Maintaining a flexible mental attitude is another good thing for couples to do when facing any type of sexual challenge.

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