Are you sick and tired of being the singleton in your group and spending the Holidays alone? Well don’t be! Being single is not that bad. All you have to do is to look at the bright side of being single and learn to appreciate the great life you have. Yes, single and loving it! Say it to your married friends and people who feel sorry for you for not having a lover! Here are the reasons why being single is not something to be sad about!

*You are the master of your time.

*If you are single, you can go home and get out of the house anytime you want. If you want to have a weekend get away in an instant, you can just pack you bags and leave! Believe me, this is one thing that you’re going to miss if you are married with obligation. So, you might as well enjoy this while it lasts.

*You are the master of your time. I understand that there are times when it can be quite eerie to be alone in all that empty space inside your house, but you have to shake- it off and realize that it is something to be celebrated upon.

*Look at it this way, you own the remote, you can eat anywhere inside the house, you can leave your socks anywhere, you can go around naked all over the house and most importantly, you don’t have to haggle your way to the bathroom and you can stay there are long as you want.

*You are the master of your finances. If you are single, you can spend your whole month salary on shoes and no one would go berserk about it!

*Flirting is encouraged. You can ogle and flirt with any single guy you know or don’t really know without feeling guilty.

*One night stand is an open option. You can sleep with anyone you want without being called a cheat.

*You don’t have to see him or be with him after a bad sex. If he failed to give you an orgasm, you can forget about him.

*You don’t have to deal with any human nature’s freakiness except your own. You don’t have to put up with someone else's snoring or farting or mess.

*Grooming is optional. You don’t have to shave your legs or have that painful bikini wax!

*You don’t have to put up with someone else’s insecurity on a daily basis. Being with someone means adjusting to their anxiety or lack of confidence, it not as easy as it sounds.

*You don’t have to deal with in-laws nor annoying relatives- Do I need to say more?

*The only person you have to impress and dress- up for is your boss. Yes, no more stressing over cheap dates.

*You can date, date, date and date some more. This is one of the greatest benefits of being single, and you can make the most out of it in the upcoming e-book Wanted Mr. Right. There is nothing better than meeting other people and having fun while exploring yourself all at the same time.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article, Ruth Purple , is a Relationship and Dating Expert. Click here to get access to the Male Magnet Formula.