There are a lot of superstitions out there about how tall a person grows and how to grow taller. Some of these superstitions are just made up stories that in ancient times were told to people in order to pass on the wisdom that they had.

In some cultures growing tall meant that you are able to touch the skies and place ancestors that have passed away in the heavens and in some other cultures meant that you can touch the gods themselves. If you are tall you could bring the rain in a drought or have great wisdom . Here are some of the cultures and their beliefs in why people get or are tall.

In the times of the gods, being tall meant that you can touch the gods. If you could touch the gods then you could ask them for just about anything you wanted. The bringing of water from the sky or for a good crop to harvest, anything was possible. Being tall back when the Egyptian gods were around meant that you got special privileges and great honor but with all of that honor and responsibility, no one knew how people from their heritage grew so tall.

Now if you look into the culture of the Indonesians, the tall people were respected as all knowing and all seeing. They were blessed with a gift of height and respected as people of great importance in their culture. Kings of old were held in the highest honors and respected because they had a height advantage so in this culture, being tall could get you very far in life.

Now in other culture being tall could mean you are a freak of nature and could have been put to dead because the townsfolk might have thought that you have been possessed by evil spirits. That is the reason that you are so tall is because the evil spirits that have taken you over are making you tall to take over the world.

No matter why you think someone is tall or not is no reason to treat them any different because some people are not blessed with the height like other people are. Every one is different for a reason and there are other things a person can do to grow taller are you are not gifted with height. You can do exercises and eat a well balanced diet in order to get the right nutrients that your body needs to grow taller.

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Check out for more tips on how to become taller . Read also the articles on how to become taller naturally and tips on how to increase height !