Infections that are spread by sexual intercourse are known as sexually transmitted diseases. Though usually referring to transmission via sexual contact, the term STD can also refer to infections that are transmitted by non-sexual routes, like the contraction of HIV/AIDS through a blood transfusion or by sharing needles/syringes with an infected person. Additionally, there are other types of infections that affect the sexual organs but are not sexually transmitted. Nevertheless, sexually transmitted are serious illnesses that need prompt treatment. Without treatment those infected might experience a variety of health problems, including infertility, paralysis, and blindness. There are two types of STD symptoms: physical and emotional.


Most important to note, sometimes STDs present without symptoms. More specifically, around 50 percent of all infected men exhibit visible physical symptoms. Much less frequently, only 25 percent of infected women show symptoms. Sometimes, symptoms present mildly, but can include a variety of manifestations. Since sexually transmitted diseases involve contact with the mouth, anus, vagina, and penis, most of the symptoms show on or near the genitals. These signs include sores/blisters, swelling, painful/frequent urinations, abnormal discharge, bleeding, pain during sex, and severe itching. Non-genital related symptoms may include skin rashes, weight/hair loss, aches and pains, fever, and yellowing of the skin.

If sexually active and experiencing any of these symptoms speak with a health care provider. With a detailed sexual history work-up a doctor can complete the most appropriate tests to determine if you have a sexually transmitted disease. If you are not presenting any symptoms but feel you are still at risk for contracting an infection immediately make an appointment and see a doctor. A treatment, usually of penicillin G, can either cure the STD or reduce the severity and frequency of outbreaks.


The physical illnesses may also be accompanied by unpleasant emotional consequence, like embarrassment, guilt, and or fear. Though the physical symptoms can clear, facing the stigma associated with being positive for an STD is difficult. In many cases, the judgment one might receive as a result of contracting an STD is perceived, a complete inaccurate outside analysis of one’s lifestyle and sexuality . On the other hand, some judgments are concluded based on truth and nevertheless sting. That is, if a person contracted an STD due to their own promiscuity or any other irresponsible behavior , like intravenous drug use, facing the stares is just as hard.

STDs are infections. They do not have the ability to infect only those who live questionable lifestyles and cannot be used to determine a person’s morality. And, despite social, racial, economic, or gender disparities, STDs infect people regardless of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation, and any attempt to perpetuate the social stigmatization of STDs is irrational and counterproductive to attempts to decrease the transmission rate of STDs, both nationally and globally.

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