Ever since the hit movie ‘The Secret’ was launched the universal law of attraction has really come into prominence. But what is this universal Law of Attraction .

The Universal Law of Attraction simply states: Whatever we choose to focus on and give our attention to–whether wanted or unwanted, will be attracted into our life.

The majority of the time most of us attract things into our life through ‘default’, rather than by design.

We generally go through our daily lives consistently focusing on the struggles and worries we face.

When you understand the workings of this somewhat secret Law of Attraction you’ll realize this is a big mistake.

Focusing on what does not feel good and right in your life, will actually create more of what does not feel good and right.

A simple way to look at this is to think of yourself as a large magnet… the kind of magnet which effortlessly and automatically attracts large metal objects toward it.

Everyday you function very much like a magnet. You are attracting things into your life whether consciously or not, every minute of the day.

Every thought you have whether positive or negative gives off an energetic vibration. This vibration is sent out to the universe where it seeks out a vibrational match which through the law of attraction is then attracted back to you.

In other words you attract a similar energy or likeness of what you think about.

If you think about pain and suffering you’ll attract more pain and suffering. If you think about success and happiness , you’ll attract more success and happiness .

This probably sounds way too simple to be true and real, but this is exactly how it all works.

When you use the Law of Attraction properly your life circumstances will change out of all recognition.

We all possess this incredible power to attract whatever it is we want in life.

We are powerful attractors. When we pay close attention on what we consistently think about and focus on, we can then start to have more control of what we attract into our lives

Becoming more aware to what kind of energy you’re sending out to the universe, will actually give you more power to control our life than you ever thought possible.

To become a more powerful and deliberate creator of what you want in your life rather than what you don’t want, I’ve broken it down into 4 key, but simple manifestation steps:

1.Get Very Clear About What It Is You Want.

Conceiving a clear picture of what you truly desire is the first manifestation step. Once you do this, you have then made a request to the universe to help you manifest it in your life.

2. Believe It’s Already In Your Possession-

Your limiting beliefs will block what you truly desire appearing in your life. Ridding yourself of these inhibiting beliefs and replacing them with a belief that what you want is already yours can be difficult.

However, using techniques such as visualization, and affirmations , will slowly alter your belief system at both a conscious and subconscious level

3. Let Go And Get Out Of The Way-

This basically means to detach yourself completely from how and when your desire is attracted to you. Becoming emotionally attached with the process and timing of what you want to manifest, will simply interfere and delay its arrival.

Action is important, but forcing things to happen will often get in the way of the universe working it’s magic on your behalf.

4. Receiving Your Desire-

To attract what you want quicker and easier, you must shift your inner state to that of ‘allowing’ and ‘non-resisting’.

A state of ‘allowing’ and ‘non-resistance’ means simply, thinking, feeling and acting that what you want is already in your possession. You must generate this emotional inner state of already having what you want first before you can begin to manifest it in the outside world.

Remember you must become a vibrational match to what you want. Thinking you already have it is a sure-fire way to creating the right vibration.

You really hold the key to creating whatever it is you want in life. No one or no thing can hold you back. You possess everything you need. There are no limitations to what you can achieve.

Start becoming a powerful and deliberate creator by combining your thoughts feelings and actions with the life-changing, all-powering universal law of attraction .

Author's Bio: 

We are all using the law of attraction in some way or other whether we know it or not. It is constantly at work in our lives. When applied properly the law of attraction can manifest anything you want and desire in your life. Discover ways to create your ultimate life through quickly and easily through applying the universal law of attraction .