If you are tired of the way things are going, if you have lost your job and are getting those rejection letters as fast as you are submitting your resume, this will help you along. What do you do to stay positive and focused?
1. Do you need more education for what you want to do or for what the job market calls for?
2. Are you mentally prepared for a job change?
3. If you left your former employer on bad terms make sure that you’ve dealt with all of the emotions due to your departure from that company.
4. Do you have physical limitations? If so, make sure you know what they are.
5. Carry that smile everywhere you go. Believe it or not, a smile can be very contagious.
6. Say daily affirmations , this will help you believe that you are worthy of that certain job, or for anything that life has to offer. Meditation is also a phenomenal tool to use to help you stay focused and will help you to release all that’s not good and bring in all that is.
7. A new attitude might require a new look. A new hair cut, a new outfit, etc. If you can’t afford to buy these things, try bartering. Trade clothes with a friend, try resale shops.
8. Clean out the clutter! Clean off your desk, your office, everything. Get rid of all unused or unnecessary items.
9. Clean out your friends! If you want to keep a new you, stay away from negative people. Also, access the friends that you do have. You should only stick by those who contribute 50% to the relationship. If it is anything less, they are possibly feeding off you and draining your energy.
This includes, going to each other’s house, calling, spending, etc. You get the point I’m getting at. If there is an underlying reason why you are not visiting as much, discuss it with your friend, they might not even be aware of any issue.
10. Where to go and what to do? Here are some suggestions if you have too much time on your hands or you are looking for something different to do; exercise, volunteer, go to the library or bookstore, coach, visit a retirement home, help out at the local humane society. There are so many things to do and people that are so positive and motivated that will help you in your journey!
11. Look closely at your mate. It is often during our struggles that we find out who our true friends truly are; oftentimes this includes your mate. Your mate should believe in you and all that you do. Your mate should stick by your side and lift your spirits up when they are down. Keep track of the positive and the negative remarks, and then weigh out your options. If you are trying to do one thing and you are not getting the support you need, or are getting negative comments, this will make your job twice as hard.

There is a time to take a step forward and there is a time to observe. You can create a new wonderful you, and you will get there faster by observing and then taking the positive steps forward to get to your goal. Wishing you much success on your journey!!

Author's Bio: 

You can also listen live or to the archives of my Blog Talk Radio show. My subject matter varies. Here is the link for my radio show; http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/womensrecreation . You can mark me as your favorite, follow me or simply listen.

I currently have two books in publication and look forward to their completion. They are to inspire others through hope and encouragement as well. They are "Walk In Peace" and "My Soulful Journey."