I had an interesting scenario this afternoon with a potential client – someone who had enquired a few days ago about how I could help her lose weight.
I had told her that with the processes I use, NLP, Hypnosis, Theta and EFT we could remove the blocks fairly easily and instead of going on some diet and then in a couple of weeks putting the weight back on again, this would stay off and continue to come off.
You see, I went on further, that it’s all down to our limiting beliefs – stuff we learned as children and which we’re still carrying round with us.
Once we get rid of those beliefs and change them for powerful empowering ones, we can be, do, have whatever it is we want.
And certainly her weight would come off because her perception of herself would change over time and she would not only approve of who she was but she would have a confidence that she hadn’t currently got and would feel no need to ‘eat’ to make herself better.
It’s the no diet weight loss programme which is the only diet you ever need – one from negative thoughts.
I had said that instead of weeks and weeks of dieting, this would be a relatively short process the results of which could benefit her a lifetime
So we agreed she would think about it and we spoke again today.
I told her that having thought about her particular situation the programme would only be 6 weeks (an initial consultation and first process; second process and then 4 follow up sessions) and I told her the cost. (Not I have to say that this was expensive – in fact far from it ; we discussed other methods and she agreed that they were far more costly than the excellent deal I was offering. She didn’t ask me if she could pay session by session but then came up with various reasons about why she couldn’t do it ‘at this particular time’;” it was too soon after Christmas”, it was the “wrong time of year” she has children, her husband’s work isn’t full time’. I think there were more but I don’t remember them all.
These were just ‘excuses’ of course. It was really nothing to do with the money. After all if we want to do something badly enough we will do it. No what it was was lack of commitment – yes she wanted to lose weight but it wasn’t that big a deal for her.
And it made me realise that’s why so many people go along in life accepting what’s handed out them, why they settle for 2nd (or 3rd, 4th or even 5th) best. It’s not that important. They don’t have the drive, ambition, burning desire to have, be or do something better.
I can’t imagine being like that.
These people weigh the ‘pain’ against the “pleasure” and think the pain’s not that bad. So they’ll always remain stuck.
I’d rather fight to get to the next level even when sometimes life gets very uncomfortable because I figure that we only live once and only regret the things in life we don’t do.
There was no point me ‘arguing’ with her, or trying to ‘persuade’ her – what would have been the point?
There are too many people out there who genuinely want to be helped to waste my time and energy attempting to convert someone who hasn’t got the commitment.

To find out how I can help you EMAIL ME NOW

Author's Bio: 

It’s always difficult writing these sorts of things; not that I don't have anything to say but sometimes I feel that people will see it as hype or 'precious'. I hope by reading my articles and looking at my website you'll see more of what/who I am- the truth (if you will) behind the name and qualifications.
I've been on my own personal development journey for many years, discovering, learning and studying with some of the very best experts in their fields.
I’ve always worked in a people environment; firstly in face to face sales and telesales (both business and consumer) and then as an HR Manager and Office Manager. So it seemed a natural progression for me to move from training sales teams and advising executives to becoming a personal development coach.
I believe very much that unless you re-programme your negative beliefs and thoughts you'll never 'move on' and that could be with relationships, weight loss, health, career, money.
Using the very powerful and effective processes of NLP, Hypnosis, Theta Healing and EFT I motivate and steer people toward living the lives they want rather than what they 'should' or been told to. This gives them the opportunity to truly live the life they deserve.
I believe that what we put out there we get back and the only way to improve our lives is by ‘reprogramming’ our mindset.
The 3 greatest internal blocks people have are fear, self doubt and procrastination. When we release those we can be, do, have whatever it is we truly desire.
Like a computer when the 'hardware' isn't congruent with the 'software' no advancement can be made when we are out of sync; and it's the same with our brains. If we say one thing – and believe in our subconscious something totally, different we’ll never make the changes we think we want. Our thoughts and beliefs are what makes us tick so whatever the issue whether it’s relationships, work/career, money, self esteem, confidence; I help people look at what is holding them back and help them release those ties enabling them to go forward with whatever it is they desire. . But it can be a very painful process, the letting go, and people have to be ready and willing to make the changes. Affirmations are wonderful tools but useless without that one major ingredient – Action!
So Action, consistency and commitment - make it happen -
Persistence + Consistency = Success
My greatest joy is seeing the transformation when someone releases their blocks and moves forward.