I would like you imagine you have arrived to very beautiful pool in the middle of the forest.Maybe when you are next to the pool, it’s morning, or afternoon and or evening. If at any time, you look at very nice flowers next to the pool. I would like you focus your attention on a shrub red roses. When you look carefully at these roses, you see the red color of each rose is different from another.

As you are walking alongside the pool you see different flowers. With seeing each flower, the pool and flowers are becoming clearer…and clearer…
As you see more and more clearly, your body is becoming more and more relaxed…

I would like you see another flower. Perhaps it’s yellow, blue, purple, and or any other color. In any case, with seeing each flower your body is becoming more and more deeply relaxed. You see a white flower on the corner of the pool. How you focus on the white flower, your mind becomes peaceful, harmonious and your body becomes deep relaxed.

I would like you sit beside the pool and put your legs in the clear water of the pool. See to a beautiful white swan is swimming in the middle of the pool. With each flouting and sinking in water, the dusts of swan feathers are washed and the swan becomes whiter, more relax, and freer. When Prophet Job was sick and depression , he swam in a pool like it and got rid from depression .

I would like you go into the pool. Each part your body deals with water, it becomes more and more relaxed. When you feel the coolness of the water with your legs, your legs and body become more relax. How you become relax and more relax, your legs become immobile and more immobile and your sensibility becomes strong and stronger and your view becomes clear and clearer.

Each part your body deals with water, it becomes more and more relaxed.When you feel water with your abdomen and back, your abdomen, back, and your legs become more relax. How you become relax and more relax, your satisfaction becomes deep and deeper.

Each part your body deals with water, it becomes more and more relaxed.
When you feel water with your chest, your chest, abdomen, back and legs become more relaxed and your breathing becomes deep and deeper.How your breathing is deeper, your relaxation becomes wide and wider.

Each part your body deals with water, it becomes more and more relaxed.When you feel water with your head, your head, chest, abdomen, back and legs become more relaxed and your mind becomes peaceful and harmonious. How your mind becomes harmonious, you become freer and freer.

Perhaps five times or more or less you sink into water, in any case, whenever you come out of the pool, you will have more relaxed body and clearer mind.

Author's Bio: 

Dr.Arbasi is physician and specialize in hypnotherapy. http://hypnothai.wordpress.com