No online marketing campaign can be successful if it doesn’t comprise of social media marketing strategies. While it is free to implement social media, it does need time and effort for monitoring and deployment. A business either needs time or staff to help in monitoring the messages, engagement and conversations that take place on social media. There are various social media networks used by people these days and a business should customize strategies for each in order to get the best results. Here are some popular and powerful social media strategies that can be used:

1.Target Market User Habits

Understanding the target audience that you want to reach is the first element of your social media marketing strategy. You don’t just need to know who your audience is; you also need to be aware of how they use the internet. The social media habits of a young suburban mother are drastically different from the habits of a retired golfer. The only way you can capture the attention of your audience is to ensure that your platform and message speaks directly to them. For instance, a local ice cream shop owner doesn’t need to combine several platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, but it is vital for a photographer. Spend some time online where your target audience is found and monitor their interactions before you engage them in conversations.

-2.Offer Solutions to Prospective Customers

Providing them with a solution that’s associated with your business is one of the best ways to build an audience. Merge a Twitter account that engages in educated conversations, a Facebook page that drives new users to your website and a blog that’s filled with information and solutions for building an effective social media strategy. Interact with customers via Facebook and Twitter by directly asking and answering questions, regardless of whether they are concerning your product or service or not. You can portray the business positively and as an expert in its industry by sharing valuable content and also contributes information for the internet community.

3.Converting Visitors into Customers

If you establish a personal connection with your visitors and interact with them directly on your social media platform, you are more likely to convert your visitors into loyal customers. Include your subscription forms and purchasing options on your homepage and provide a link to it on all the social media platforms you use. Use your informative content for catching the attention of your audience, create a mailing list by gathering their email addresses and give them valuable reasons for returning and using your services again.

4.Using Responsiveness and Transparency

Transparency is essential in all your communications in social media space. People who use social media frequently have very strong spam radars and sending them just promotional messages will turn them away. Be authentic and genuine when you are engaging with your audience on social media just like you would treat customers in a shop or social setting. This will show your customers that you care about them.

Brought to you by Guy Galboiz Marketing and Technology Entrepreneur. For more information visit

Author's Bio: 

Guy Galboiz is an Entrepreneur, Technology Enthusiast and Internet Marketing Expert. He loves sharing his knowledge and opinion on latest technology advancements.