There are two steps you can take to reduce acne breakouts in teenagers:

1. Cut back on milk and milk products2. Cut back on highly refined carbohydrates

The Problem with Milk

Dr. Jerome Fisher made a study of teenagers coming through his medical practice and he was convinced milk and milk products played an important role in teenagers' acne. He studied 1,088 young people over a ten-year period. He asked them to give up milk and milk products. The ones that did had a noticeable reduction in their acne. He reasoned that milk was full of hormones and hormones helped the production of too much oil to the skin which helped set up an acne environment. He also noticed many of his patients tended to consume more milk and milk products than the average person.

The Problem with Highly Refined Carbohydrates

What are they? They are the things many teenagers eat – white sugar, white bread, food and drinks with high sugar content. How do they affect acne? By raising the blood sugar level. The body has to bring this under control by producing insulin and other male hormones, which starts the acne-forming process.

A change of diet can help control acne. Dr. Fisher noted this and recent research has confirmed it. Replace the highly refined food with whole grains, fruit, and vegetables and lean meats. Look for low GI foods. In other words, change to a healthy diet . Researchers noted that young men's acne reduced by over 50% in a 3-month period when they changed their eating habits .

Some people's acne could be cured simply by a change in diet . The remainder may not be that lucky but they should see fewer breakouts, which would enhance whatever other treatment they are using. Apart from everything else, a change to healthier food is going to be good for the body. This must help the healing process of whatever ailments we have.

Changing eating habits is no easier than changing other habits but it is an easier option than spending time and money trying to find a product that works. Some products carry a degree of risk. Surely it is better to try a safe, simple, healthy way to control acne.

After all, you have nothing to lose but some acne.

Author's Bio: 

Tony Burnell has followed a healthy diet and regular exercise for many years and has enjoyed the benefits. He has an interest in following and promoting natural solutions to health problems - particularly since a smart doctor helped him beat chronic fatigue syndrome without using drugs. Find out about a successful program designed by an ex-acne sufferer and health professional, which will fix your acne problem once and for all at