By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online .

Many books have been written about the subject, but the questions still remain in many people’s minds. Is subliminal self hypnosis possible? Is it real and effective? Up to what extent can its power be used?

Self hypnosis is defined as a state that resembles sleep that is induced by suggestion coming from oneself.

People tend to be wary about hypnosis because of its ability to control the mind. In other people and in the wrong hands, hypnosis can be a dangerous tool. But self hypnosis, which is the ability to influence your own mind, is a very powerful thing. It allows you to hold the full untapped potential of your mind in your own hands. You can use this ability to transform your life. You can achieve success just by wielding this power over yourself.

Many people became interested in subliminal messaging, self hypnosis, and the law of attraction when the phenomenal book “ The Secret ” first came out. Now, the sequel “The Power” has also been released. The books promise to reveal the secret behind the success of so many celebrated people in history, and how you, along with all the regular people who have testified in the books , can also enjoy the same success.

According to the books, success all starts in the mind.

So what is the law of attraction all about? In a nutshell, it says that if you hold positive thoughts and personal beliefs, these thoughts and beliefs can actually attract your goals to you. This applies to anything that you desire to have in your life.

Here are some questions you may still have about this concept and some answers to help you fully understand what you may be missing out on:

1. How can I think positively when I have failed in a lot of things in my life? This is exactly what subliminal messages is about. The mind is a hungry absorber; it hungrily takes in negative thoughts. All your past failures and negative experiences then accumulate on the surface of your mind since your conscious level lets them in. So what happens to the innate power in your mind? It gets buried in the subconscious. And it only comes out when prodded.

2. How do I start? To start harnessing the power of your mind, you should start prodding the subconscious. It only takes the right encouraging, positive, and proactive words to prod the positive messages that are hiding in your subconscious. You can fill your mind with thoughts like:

I am fully capable.
I see all problems as challenges.
I can overcome all hindrances to success.
I see myself becoming successful.
Success is my friend.

Remember, the mind is naturally positive. These thoughts are already planted there, only buried beneath years and layers of negative thoughts and habits . All they need is some reinforcing.

3. I can’t seem to overcome my negative thoughts. What should I do? Can’t seem to get through to your subconscious because of the rather strong layer of negative thinking in the surface? Don’t underestimate the power of subliminal self hypnosis. Subliminal programming also has the ability to remove negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones.

Author's Bio: 

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal messages !