Subliminal hypnosis is a process that involves putting a person in a state of extreme relaxation , where his or her mind is more open to the suggestion of new behaviors and new ways of thinking.


In subliminal hypnosis , the left side of the brain, which is the more logical and analytical part of the brain, rests, so that the right side of the brain can take over for a while.
The right side of the brain is the non-analytical side of the brain.

Since the subconscious is more deep-seated, it is the source of motivation .

Because of this, any real change in one’s outlook and behavioral patterns must be made in the subconscious before the conscious mind can truly shift its beliefs and act on them.


It is not about mind control .

Rather, it puts the subject in a heightened state of self-awareness.

On the practical side, while the hypnotherapist cannot make you do anything you do not want to do, subliminal hypnosis can be used for such life-changing endeavors as conquering phobias, quitting bad habits like smoking, healing oneself of addictions and other illnesses and changing one’s outlook in life.

You may be going through a difficult time in your life.

Maybe your own procrastination and lack of motivation have held you back in terms of your career.

Perhaps your negative outlook has prevented you from sustaining personal relationships that are important to you.

Maybe you have a temper problem that is getting harder and harder to curb.

Or maybe you have tried everything in the book and simply cannot quit smoking.

Subliminal hypnosis may also be used to enhance sports performance, lose weight and deal with panic attacks and depression .

Some people have also reportedly used it to combat cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure.

But once you have decided to give it a try, you then need to seek out a hypnotherapist.


All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, but a hypnotherapist can give you guidance.

See someone you trust as a competent and encouraging professional.

Make sure he or she is a licensed hypnotherapist.

There are websites you can consult for this information.

When you see him or her, be clear about what problems you wish to solve or what goals you wish to achieve with subliminal hypnosis . He or she can then direct the hypnosis process properly and maximize results for you.

It is also important to note that you may be required to have several sessions with your hypnotherapist in order to attain your goals.As an alternative to having a hypnotherapist, you may also want to look into self-hypnosis materials that are available online and are ready to be downloaded.

There are video as well as audio materials.

Audio materials have the added advantage of letting you lie on your back and closing your eyes during the process, in order to induce relaxation .

You really can reap countless benefits from subliminal hypnosis. Many, many people have. But it all really depends on how much you’re willing to open your mind to new possibilities.

Author's Bio: 

You really do have the ability to create whatever life you want. Correctly using the incredible power of your own mind will result in you attracting incredible people, situations and circumstances in your life. Start harnessing the true power of your mind through subliminal hypnosis .