Back to school for a month now, and the routine has settled in for most students. When the school year begins most every student heads to school with a genuine desire, and usually a sincere effort, to do better academically.

After a few weeks, unfortunately, the realities of schoolwork and homework begin to set in and disrupt the best intentions of many students. Just saying "I will study more" or "I will study regularly" is not enough. Students must have a focused plan, with structure to succeed. Most important, students need to have a clear understanding of the PAYOFFS they will receive for making the studying investment.

The 3% Investment

There is 168 hours in a week, and 5 hours of that is going to be committed to doing one's homework. Just 5 hours of that 168 total - about 3% of one's week. A commitment must be given by the student to study for one focused hour a night, Sunday through Thursday, taking Friday and Saturday nights off. Friday's and Saturday's are a student's weekend, enjoy it!

Some students prefer to study at the same time each night, others shift it around based on daily schedules. Whatever the case may be, the most import aspect is that there is a 100% commitment to the 3% Investment. This one hour must be focused and school work and reading must get done! It allows for two 3 minute breaks for a drink or going to the bathroom. No T.V. - music played softly is cool.

This strategy is not only about getting the work done on a regular basis, but more importantly it is about building a study habit which gets results! As with starting any new habit, give this strategy 3 weeks to become a new behavior and to begin to show results. IT WILL CREATE POSITIVE RESULTS!

The 3% Investment Payoff

The VALUE for the student: Fewer complaints from teachers and parents, no alarming emails to parents from teachers, less arguing with parents, little to no grounding or restrictions, no loss of freedom and no more bad grades - and less stress. Greater confidence when going to class, better grades, more privileges at home, a sense of control over school, freedom to do the other things you want to do - peace of mind.

Remember YOU ARE IN CONTROL - so what CHOICE are you going to make?

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©2012: Joseph Gandolfo & The Successful Parenting Academy™