There are many steps you can take to create change in your life. For those that are more right-brain people, you tend to process the world by seeing the big picture first instead of the parts. You are more intuitive and creative by nature. As there are so many different types of people and personalities, there are also ways to embrace taking steps to create change for all of the above!

Let me brainstorm with you, and list some ways that will appeal more to the right-brain. As you read through them, make a mental note of the ones you find most interesting, and save them to a word document so you can begin to work a little bit on them as you have time!

How to see the big picture to create change!
• Envision it. You may have heard of vision boards before. This is where you go through photos either digitally or physically in magazines to create a vision for something you would like to work on. I love to have people start with collecting photos of how they envision themselves to look and feel once their change has been made. (You do not have to know what you want the change to be in your life, only how you envision you will feel or look.) Remember that thought creates behavior . As you create the thought of how you will feel and appear, you will also be creating a vibration to attract the change that will bring that to fruition. Big picture, remember? You may put these photos in a folder on your computer desktop or begin a journal with photos in the first part of it.

• Listen to it. Find a piece of music that inspires you! Is there a particular song or CD that gets you going? It may be something you love singing along with (that would be Camelot for me!), something that energizes you (I love Florence and the Machines), or a piece that inspires you greatly (like Daniel Nahmod’s “Water” CD!). Whatever it is, make it your theme song for what you feel you’re about to do. Play it in the morning while you’re getting dressed for work, put it on your headphones while you’re walking or working out. Meditate to it, or pray with it. You might even want to go to YouTube and download a video where the music corresponds to fabulous scenery. Again, you don’t have to know what you want your change to be, only how you want to feel!

• Start talking to people. Make a date for some lunches or dinners with friends you haven’t seen in awhile. These are folks that hopefully know you fairly well. Kick some ideas around as you talk about wanting change in your life. You might be surprised at how intuitive and on the money your friends are at giving you some ideas to explore. Remember it’s usually easier to come up with fabulous ideas for others rather than yourself. Write all of these ideas down from every meeting in your journal. Build a whole chapter on it! This is what every mastermind group is about! Often nobody knows what their next step will be until they come out of the meeting and their creative juices are flowing. If you feel particularly inspired, gather a whole bunch of friends, a couple bottles of wine and have your own mastermind evening at your house!

• Go away for the weekend. Go to where your senses will be stimulated and you have always felt the most peacefulness. For me it’s when I go to the beach, sit on the balcony and watch the waves pound the shore. Getting up early at dawn and walking the beach at sunrise, or if you’re on the other coast, watching the sunset is meditation in itself. I have had my most inspired thoughts walking on the sand in foamy waters! You might want to go to the mountains, a nearby lake, a quaint town, a vineyard, or spa….but just go! Go and immerse yourself in the environment all by yourself without the distractions of a companion. It’s truly unbelievable what you might find out when you begin to journal.

So, I hope you’ve written down what resonates with you the most as you’re on your way to creating AND inviting change into your life this very moment…because you decided to read this post today! Trust me, it is for a reason.

Author's Bio: 

Petey Silveira has more than 30 years of combined experience as a marriage and family therapist, author, radio show host, and spiritual teacher. Trained in traditional mental health counseling, past-life regression and hypnotherapy, Petey guides her clients to their path of healing, peace and clarity through the mind, body and soul connection.

Petey’s recent book, Musings To Help The Soul Remember, is a testament to her ability to create peace in people’s lives. Through daily meditation, Petey receives healing and inspirational messages in the form of insightful metaphors, known as “musings.” As reader’s journal after reading each of the 60 musings, they begin feeling a profound shift in consciousness and reveal the path to their happiest lifetime. You can have an inkling as to what it is about when you listen to her CD, Musings To Help The Soul Remember, a unique collection of 30 new inspirations for your body, mind and soul that are completely different from her book. She also has created two guided meditation CD’s on Finding Your Path To Peace and Finding Your Soul’s Purpose.

Petey’s expertise as an author, radio show host and life coach is shared as she is now embarking on a series of speaking engagements throughout the country. Her personality, wit and knowledge are easily seen as New Pathway To Healing blogtalkradio show host and during her workshops on receiving your own answers within yourself through meditation. You can read her daily inspirational musings and healing messages on her blog at or through her facebook fan page.

Petey received her master’s in marriage and family therapy from the University of Virginia in 1977. After nine years as a counselor in special education schools, Petey established her private practice in 1986 as a licensed marriage and family therapist. Petey was certified in NLP Hypnotherapy, followed by intensive training in past-life regression techniques with Dr. Brian Weiss in 1991. As one of the few trained past-life regression therapists, Petey is often requested for private sessions, group workshops and seminars throughout the United States.