I am often asked the question “What if I am starting small in my business, with little or no money and need business right now, using the Law of Attraction ?”

Many of the high six-seven figures and beyond solo-preneurs that I coach came from a limited background and very little money when they started out in business. As a matter of fact, many had no money at all. There are a lot solo-preneurs who started off broke. In fact, most successful solo-preneurs go broke or nearly broke several times during their lives. This didn’t stop them and it doesn’t need to hold you back either.

To transform yourself from nowhere to millionaire using the Law of Attraction takes practice, and more practice! Using the Law of Attraction effectively allows you to transform your business and empowers you to build your courage muscles by starting small, then playing bigger and bigger. Solo-preneurs who want to boost their businesses using the Law of Attraction want and need to feel that they are “Law of Attraction insiders." They are aware of everything that is going on in their business to build their Law of Attraction results.

Those of you who are willing to put in the time to learn the formula, steps, and strategies to boost your Law of Attraction results will quickly move from starting small to bigger than you have ever imagined. Law of Attraction is one of the least expensive business strategies that you can use to achieve a high six-seven figure business and beyond.

Are you ready to improve your Law of Attraction results in your business? Are you ready to make a decision to start small and then start to see and hear the evidence of your results? When you focus on the evidence of your results, and give it attention, energy, and focus, you build your tolerance for “bigness.” To think bigger and play bigger in the world! Remember that successful solo-preneurs are always willing to do what is called Law of Attraction work. They're willing to learn how to improve their Law of Attraction results. They're also willing to put the time in to build their Law of Attraction muscles. As you practice and start manifesting results, you will build those muscles and the first thing that you know you will have gone from small to big faster than you could have predicted.

Here are some things that you can do now.

Remember that starting small will build your courage and your Law of Attraction tolerance for bigness. Choose a time of day to practice the Law of Attraction for at least 30 minutes. Look for opportunities to think bigger, and play bigger in your business to attract clients. Make it a fun and enjoyable game to learn these Law of Attraction skills to quickly and effectively improve your results.

Start looking at businesses that you would like to model. Find mentors, coaches and people who can support you, shorten your Law of Attraction learning curve and dramatically improve your Law of Attraction results.

Author's Bio: 

Copyright © 2009. Beverly Boston, Eve-olutionAtLast, All rights reserved. If you like this article and want to find out more about how Beverly Boston works with Solo-preneurs who are very good at what they do…but struggle with thinking bigger, playing bigger, and making more money and don’t know why. For more info on how Beverly can help you have a high six-seven figure business & beyond and improve your Law of Attraction results visit: http://www.Eve-olutionAtLast.com