There are those extraordinary, memorable speakers that command the highest respect and have created multi million dollar businesses. You see them just once, become an immediate fan and recommend them to everyone you know because of your great experience.

And then there are all the others.

The memorable speakers share a common denominator and although they may be savvy business developers, the common thread is more creative than logistical.

What is the one thing that separates the good from the extraordinary? What’s that thing that can fuel a speaker’s climb to the multi -million dollar business level?

It’s the art of telling their stories.

They separate them selves from the pack by homing their ability to tell their story in such a way that they impact the audience on a deep, emotional level.

At that depth of rapport it’s much more possible to lead them to a better way of thinking, a more successful business, a healthier lifestyle or whatever it may be that needs to be revealed to them.

There are three elements that can help you to connect with your audience in this way. Each element has a direct result:

1. Vulnerability creates empathy. By sharing your story with transparency and vulnerability, the distance between the stage and your audience seems diminished.

2. Honesty creates trust. To brand yourself as an expert, trust is essential. No sugarcoating the facts here. Most modern audiences are pretty savvy and will be looking for the underlying reality anyway, so give it to them. They will respect you more if you share the facts, both good and bad.

3. Transformation creates inspiration . If you did it, against all odds, then so can they… Where were you when something happened, and what were the lasting, life-changing results?

By building your stories (by the way, I guarantee, you have many) with vulnerability, honesty and transformation , you can lead others to step into their power and as Zig Ziglar said, “You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.”

Author's Bio: 

As founder and owner of “Charisma on Camera” Media Training Studio and On-Camera Consulting, Sandra Dee Robinson helps professionals from all walks of life unleash their “on-camera charisma” by showing them how to authentically share their unique message which can lead to increased recognition and income. Sandra’s expertise has benefited authors, life coaches, politicians, actors, and business professionals in many areas such as preparing for media opportunities, selling products on QVC or prepping for a DVD product shoot. Sandra Dee Robinson is a also TV host, product spokesperson and an actor who has appeared in major roles on Another World, Sunset Beach, Bold and the Beautiful, General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, and guest starred on Two and a Half Men, Criminal Minds, Secret Life of an American Teenager, and TV movies.