Understanding Depression Symptoms
Feeling sad, or down every so often is a normal; we live in a fast paced, demanding, stressful society, a we often have little or no social support system. Life can sometimes be depressing, but when these mild feelings of depression linger, you may be suffering from a real depression. Learning about the symptoms of depression, can help you to make educated choices in seeking out depression self help books , treating depression without medication, or seeking professional help and anti-depressant medication.
Emotional Depression Symptoms
If you feel you have the following symptoms of depression , and they linger, you may be suffering from depression .
*Difficulty concentrating, or easy tasks become difficult.
*Insomnia or sleeping too much
*You can not control negative thoughts.
*Feeling hopeless or helpless.
*Thoughts that life is not worth living
*Irritable or short tempered
*Changes in appetite
Physical Symptoms of Depression
Depression is more than just unhappy emotions; depression can manifest as physical symptoms. Because of the variety of physical symptoms, those suffering from depression often mistake it for a medical condition.
Common physical symptoms of depression include:
*Digestive problems
* Back Pain
*Dizziness or light headedness
*Fatigue and exhaustion
*Muscle aches and joint pain
Sound Healing for Depression Symptoms
The emotional and physical symptoms of depression are hard wired by the nervous system in the brain; people with clinical depression often have overly active right (emotional) brain hemispheres. Binaural beat sound healing can bring brainwave activity into balance, and the symptoms of depression can be reduced. Also, people suffering from depression often have overly active "slow wave" brain activity, such as Alpha and Theta. By increasing faster brainwave frequencies, such as Beta and Gamma, the symptoms of depression can be reduced.
Binaural beat sound therapy can be used to create responses in the brain; the brainwaves will become "entrained", which means the brain waves will start to resonate at the same frequency as the binaural beat sound. This can change the brainwave patterns temporarily. This has been shown to have a big effect; it can balance your brainwaves, reduce your symptoms of depression, leaving you calm, centered and less depressed.
When to Seek Professional Help for Depression
Sound healing and depression self help can be very useful, but if your depression is causing a lot of distress, disrupting your friendships, daily routine or family , then it's time to seek professional help. If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide, please seek professional help immediately!
If you are feeling the physical symptoms of depression, you should get a medical check up. Your doctor can find out if your depression is being caused by a medical condition. Drugs and supplements can also create depression symptoms, so tell your doctor about any over the counter medications, prescriptions, vitamins, herbal remedies , or recreational drugs you are using.
If your doctor rules out a medical cause, the next step is to consult a qualified therapist who has experience treating depression. The therapist can work with you to find the cause of your depression, and devise a course of treatment.
Dr. Jane Ma'ati Smith C.Hyp. Msc.D. studied for her Bachelor of Arts degree at Arizona State University, and went on to recieve an honorary doctorate for her lifetime achievements and contributions in the fields of metaphysics and spiritual counseling from Universal Life. She studied hypnosis with Dr. John Kappas, and is a certified graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, and a Sound Energy Practitioner and a Vibrational Reiki Master. Dr. Jane Ma'ati Smith C.Hyp. Msc.D. is a qualified mental health professional actively working in the state of California, and brings to her self-hypnosis programs more than 15 years of professional work in the mental health and counseling fields, helping people to help themselves, and a lifetime's worth of in depth psychological, spiritual and Quantum knowledge.