People generally think that if their laptop or PC fails to work properly, then they are in for an expensive repair. But it is not always the same. Many issues and problem related to the laptops and PCs can be solved with small techniques in an inexpensive way.

People come up with various issues related to their computers. Herein below find the most common repair issues that the repair centers are requested to carry out which are actually much less costly and easier than people expect.

Internet setup- Wireless

Printer setup

Home network and printer sharing setup

Data transfer and backup

Laptop keyboard replacement

Lost Data recovery

Windows password removal

RAM upgrades

Laptop charger replacement

Resolving laptop overheating issues

Laptop fans fitting and replacement

Laptop power connector replacement

Laptop screen cable replacement

The Wireless router supplied and fitted

Full virus removal and system speed up

Operating System re-installation with all updates with data backed up

Fit new desktop power supply

Laptop motherboard component repair

Desktop motherboard replacements

Laptop screen replacements

New hard drive with Windows re-installation

Some of the major problems apart from the above issues and repairs can be like:

Broken Power Ports : Accidental damages and tripping over the lead wire generally leads to almost eighty percent of the laptop power port breakage. This kind of actions often damages the DC port of the laptop which most of the times may need complete replacement.

Broken laptop screens and panels : It is a fact that buying a new laptop is actually much more costly than getting them repaired. This repair issue is one of the most common and frequently asked for repairing concern. Broken laptop screens are generally caused because of falling from a good height or mishandling. But whatever the context, once a laptop is dropped the screen can easily be damaged which calls for replacement for sure.

Not-Charging issues of the Laptops : If your laptop is not charging, this does not always mean that the battery is damaged or the power cord is out of order. The power indicator light can be sometimes misleading in determining the actual battery life as this does not clearly indicate the level of charge in the laptop. You must check the status bar battery icon to accurately assess it. You can also run a power intensive work in your laptop after charging it fully to note the battery capacity. If you see that the laptop runs out of power very fast, maybe within half an hour or less, it clearly indicates that you need a new battery.

Some liquid spilled : Another very common damage that can destroy your laptop is liquid spillage. It affects the laptops internally. Generally, this kind of damage is restricted to the keyboard, but sometimes the liquid can reach more sensitive internal machineries as well.

The best first-aid for liquid spillage is quickly unplugging it, removing the battery and then have it assessed by an experienced repairer. This is important because continued usage after the accident can result in further damage to your laptop.

For all these issues and problems related to your laptop repairs in Dudley you can address them to some of the best and reputed repairing centers in your locality. Even comparing the quotes from two or three different centers can prove to be extremely helpful.

Author's Bio: 

steve Joe has performed a series of interview with the owners and employees of many shops for laptop repairs in Dudley . These interviews made him understand that the competition of the mobile phone repairing industry is huge, but still its growth is manifold.