I am living in a brand new landscape as of 2 weeks ago. Yet it is the same one where I have been living for almost 2 years.

It is a beautiful landscape that is home to the smaller house where I live with my partner and my dog-child Ollie, the larger house of the man who owns the property, and a nice sized pool. It is surrounded by a wooden fence that provides both privacy and a spacious view of the sky, the surrounding mountains and the beautiful trees between us and the mountains.

Now I love being by water but I’m not much of a pool person. And this pool takes up a nice sized area of the property between our two homes. So I haven’t spent much time in that section of the landscape until recently.

Listening to the Call

Three months ago , I began listening to an inner call to slow down, to find my own natural rhythm and to reconnect with the soul of my business.

Two weeks ago I was out in the pool side of the property just before lunch, noticing the multitude of humming birds spreading their joy in that area. I soon also noticed this amazing pool-side furniture and an abundantly sized umbrella that I hadn’t paid attention to before.

I opened the umbrella, pulled up a lounge chair with a big comfy cushion and sat down. In the middle of the day, I was completely shaded by the hot So Cal sun.

Inspired , I walked quickly into the Palazzo (my house), put my lunch on a tray, my iPhone in my pocket and headed back to the lounge chair. I had a long, luxurious lunch with beautiful views, fresh air and the natural light and warmth of the sun. I made a few calls from the chair after a brief nap.

In the past two weeks I’ve had many lunches, made many phone calls, spent time just looking, listening, smelling, and have even taken a few naps from that chair.

In a moment this landscape had transformed into one that is expanding and enriching my life in new ways daily. It has brought me out into nature - during my work day - where I always come alive. And it is nourishing and supporting me as that inner call comes to life.

All that had really changed was the way I was looking and being. But that changed everything. Listening to an inner call and slowing down allowed that to happen.

What would happen if you took some time to slow down and listen? To listen to the stirrings within your heart and soul? To listen to the inner call that may have been trying to get your attention. Just imagine!

If - and when - you do that, you’ll likely “see” some things that you didn’t see before, things that have been there all along to guide, enrich, expand and support you, your soul inspired business and your journey.

Often you have to slow down to hear the call. Whatever the call is for you, are you ready to answer it?

Step Into Your Greatness!
Slow down and listen to the call.

Author's Bio: 

Reggie Odom, CPCC, PCC, is the Consciousness CEO and founder of Reggie Odom & Company. Reggie coaches and mentors women entrepreneurs to step into their greatness, and lead the soul inspired business they are being called to lead. She is considered a master teacher and unforgettable speaker. Reggie can be contacted at reggie@reggieodom.com
or you can visit her web site at http://reggieodom.com/ .