Are you having trouble facing the fact that your ex has probably moved on? Are you still thinking about him or her?

Then you may want to read this article and its list of signs that your ex has moved on. Stop wondering and guessing; find out now if they are over you and not willing to get back together.

1. They Are in a New Relationship -

This one seems pretty straightforward, but many people have the most trouble with this obvious sign.

If your ex is dating multiple people or seems happy with just one new person, then they have moved on.

There is no reason to try anything anymore. If they wanted you back, they would not be seeing other people.

By the same token, do not let them keep you on the back burner just in case their other ventures do not work out. If they are doing this and you are letting them, then you are just setting yourself up for more heartbreak.

2. You Have All of Your Stuff Back -

If your ex has given you back all of your personal items, and especially if they have given you back any presents or photos that you gave them, then the relationship cannot be saved, and they do not want to try to save it. They are not interested, they are through, and there is no reason to waste any more time thinking about it.

3. No Contact -

If your ex is not texting you back or accepting your calls, then this is one of the big signs that your ex has moved on. Stop the contact now, no matter how tempting it is.

You are simply prolonging your agony and hurt, and you are going to be really embarrassed if you keep it up.

If your ex thinks you are being stalkerish, then you will create a whole other world of problems for yourself.

Keep yourself busy with work, friends, and new hobbies. Do not contact your ex any longer once they have stopped contact.

4. They Will Not Look Your Way -

If you still end up in some of the same places, and your ex will not speak or even look at you, then they are done.

Do not play games and try to appear coy or more attractive, and do not do things to try to get them to pay attention to you.

If they wanted to talk to you, they already would be. Do not play high school games either – do not ask a friend to talk to them for you or anything of the sort.

5. They are Getting Married -

This should be a no brainer, but this one has to be on the list. There really is no other way to put this one.

If your ex is getting married, then all bets are off. It is time to throw in the towel, and it is time that you move on as well.

It may hurt for a little while, but there is no reason to make a fool of yourself.

This is pretty much the clearest way that they could ever use to prove that they do not want to be with you.

Instead of wasting time and having your heart go on breaking, take to heart (pun intended) the previous signs that your ex has moved on.

There is no more wondering. You will be sad and down for a little while, and that is okay.

However, when it is clear that there is no hope of reconciliation, then you will not want to leave your heart and mind open for more anguish.

What are some signs that you noticed that an ex gave indicating that there was no chance to get back together? I welcome your comments below!

Author's Bio: 

Alex J. Stevenson is the creator of the training materiel The Master Training Kit: How to Get Over Your Ex In 14 Days . To get more understanding of whether your ex has moved on or not, click here and get access to the secret psychology.