Sadly most people will have to deal with unwanted weight at some point in their lives. Whether it is the “freshmen 15,” post-baby weight, or simply just a few too many donuts on the way to work, fat can deposit around the midsection, chest, and buttocks. In some cases, exercise alone will not take care of this weight problem. Diet should also be adjusted, and one positive adjustment that you can make is the addition of super foods.

Why we store fat

While it is frustrating to many dieters, are bodies are designed to store fat. Back in the Stone Age when everyone lived in caves this was a survival mechanism, allowing the human race to survive even in periods of food shortages. Like a bear eating extra to get ready for hibernation, humans packed on the pounds to protect themselves during times when food became scarce.

However, these days food scarcity is not a problem for most people living outside of third world countries. Because of this, we have to adjust our eating habits as well as our lifestyles. Since we are no longer required to walk for miles to hunt game or scavenge foods, we have to look for ways to exercise. And since we do not need to store fat for survival, we have to find better methods of eating if we want to continue to be able to see our midlines. One of the best ways to do this is to add super foods to your diet .

What makes a super food?

Chances are many of the super foods that could jumpstart your diet are foods that you are eating on a daily basis. A food becomes a “super” food because the phytonutrients in the food are higher than similar foods. Phytonutrients allow the food to have additional health benefits beyond the nutritional content of the food itself.

When you are looking to lose weight, super foods can help you in many ways. Often they are more filling than less healthy food options, so you can do away with the urge to snack. Plus their higher nutrient content can make it easier to lose weight and still feel good while doing it. Others help to boost your metabolism and energy level so that workouts are easier and more effective.

Top super foods

If you are looking for ways to melt away fat, then here are some of the top super foods that you should be including in your diet . Use these as substitutions for low-nutrient, high fat, and high calorie foods and watch the pounds melt away!

• Apples. Apples are a great fruit for snacking on. They travel well, stay fresh longer, and are packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber. They also contain the healthy kind of carbohydrates that can give you an energy boost. Plus apples come in such a wide variety that you are sure to find something you like, whether it is a sour or a sweet treat.
• Beans. Beans can be added to a wide variety of dishes, and they are packed with nutrients including protein, fiber, iron, and calcium. They can be a low fat alternative to meat without skimping on the protein. Plus beans go well with other vegetables in soups and stews, added to rice, and can also be added to many baked dishes without vastly affecting the flavor.
• Broccoli. This vegetable is also full of fiber, and just two florets count as a serving of the vegetables that you need a day. It is also full of antioxidants to keep you feeling great and vitamins for health. Keep your broccoli healthy by eating it raw or lightly steamed, and choose low-fat dips instead of high calorie cheeses and dressings.
• Olive oil. Your body does need some fat to function properly, and olive oil is a great way to get it. You can use it for cooking and dipping. It is full of Omega fatty acids that are great for your overall health and appearance.
• Salmon. Another great protein option is salmon. Salmon is packed with vitamins and minerals, including health omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids can lower your cholesterol, reducing your risk for heart attack or stroke. Salmon can be prepared in numerous ways, most of which are healthy (just avoid frying). Add to it some whole grain rice and a green salad and you have a satisfying and low calorie meal.
• Tea. With any diet it is important to stay hydrated, and one of the best ways that you can do that is with water. However, tea is a great alternative if you are looking for something with a little flavor. Tea is rich in antioxidants that help to flush your body of impurities. And provided that you don’t overdo it on the sugar it can be a healthy alternative to higher calorie sodas. Many teas do contain a small amount of caffeine. While this can be great for an afternoon pick-me-up, keep in mind that drinking too much caffeine throughout the day can interfere with sleep and should be avoided by anxiety sufferers.
• Wholegrain seeded bread. Wholegrain seeded bread is a great filler since it is higher in fiber. This allows you to stay felling full longer, making it easier to stick to your diet. Plus wholegrain breads have much more nutrition per slice than your average slice of white bread. The seeds in seeded bread contain fatty acids that are important for the body to function.

Planning the perfect meal

To plan an ideal meal designed to help you lose weight you should try to include as many super foods as possible. Keep in mind, however, to watch your portion sizes and to prepare foods in a healthy fashion by avoiding frying and fatty sauces. For instance, consider having some salmon brushed with olive oil and grilled. You can serve this with whole grain rice or wholegrain seeded bread and a serving of plain, steamed broccoli. Finish the meal off with a cup of plain tea and a fresh apple. Not only will you find this meal to be filling and satisfying, but you will find that the fat melts away as well.

Author's Bio: 

Ryan Rivera, a former anxiety patient, conquered his insomnia through the use of these simple remedies. To learn more, visit .