Most coaches are torn in two. Here’s their dilemma, it maybe also be yours: You have a passion to transform people’s lives and your experience says that 1:1 coaching gets the best results. However, you know that you can’t scale and grow your business when you are trading time for money. The solution is simple. We have over 200 clients, they get world class results. This is how we do it…

I want to share the 3 key types of delivery formats you may want to consider when serving your hungry tribe... since not everybody likes to learn / be served the same way.

DIY--> Do it yourself
DWY --> Done with you
DFY --> Done for you

Examples of DIY products would be an online course or a book. The user purchases the product, accesses the information at a time and location convenient for them, and is 100% responsible for the implementation and delivery of outcomes.

Examples of DWY products would be a 1/1 coaching session, a group workshop, a retreat where the learner and the "teacher" are connected at a point in time, there is a dynamic exchange and transfer of skills / knowledge and the learner gets immediate support for the implementation of the new skill / learning. The learner is mainly responsible for the outcomes and the teacher is responsible for the provision of support to implement.

Examples of DFY in coaching are hard to find as you are providing assistance for people to experience a transformational process... So, it's impossible to take responsibility for the implementation and outcomes... therefore not a DFY service. Unless you want to consider some other modalities where the consciousness is accessed in a state different from the "here and now" state... But let's stay on topic for now :-)

Here are examples - using our client service offer - An example of a DFY service would be something like what we do for our Binette & Bowness clients in the "Create a Product" module, where we create the membership websites for our clients' online products. We take full responsibility for the technology and we deliver a finished product, ready for market. It takes away the hassle completely for the coach / expert, who can then focus entirely on serving their clients and what they are passionate about... what they love.

So, in-light of this information, I'd like to invite you to reflect on the following 2 things:

1- How do you like to be served as a client? What is your preferred method to learn?

2- How have you been serving your clients so far? Would you be able to diversify your offer if you included a different format?

Big caring hugs Rockstars!Nat

Author's Bio: 

Nat Binette is a business mastermind, a startup and profitability expert, an income-stream-creation authority. She specializes in delivering measurable impact for people and businesses offering services.

Nat transfers her techniques to Coaches, Consultants and Subject Matter Experts for them to get paid, very well, for their services. Nat has been personally responsible for $21M in service sales over the span of her career and has built a million-dollar business in the last 12 months; her 3rd business venture to reach 7 figures per year in income.

She is an expert at identifying and creating income streams, leveraging her clients' time and capturing their legacy of contribution by packaging the clients’ expertise into world-class educational resources.She has personally mentored 260 of the world’s most profitable coaches and consultants.

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