Choosing and sending greeting cards is all about letting the recipient know just how much they mean to you, and that you’re thinking of them. Personalised greeting cards allow you to design and choose exactly the card you want to send, meaning it can be tailored to both your message and the personality of the recipient. Making your own Mothers day photo cards has now been made so simple that it’s probably actually easier than finding one in the shops.
Choosing greeting cards for the people closest to you can often be a difficult process. In the best of all worlds, finding a card which says exactly what you want it to say and tells a loved one what they mean to you should be a joyful and enjoyable experience. In reality, however, this is often far from the case, since the cards on offer in most shops tend to fall back on clichés and overused imagery. Mothers day cards, in particular, are all too often dull and saccharine and, whilst everyone can agree that it’s the thought that counts, it’s still nice to be able to send a card which in some way reflects the kind of person your Mum is.
Personalised greeting cards allow you to find a way around this problem by creating a card yourself rather than relying on some manufacturer to do it for you. The flexibility of digital imagery means that you can create a card based around absolutely any image in your collection. For some this will mean making the obvious choice and selecting a favourite shot of your children from which to fashion a card, but other people might decide their mother would appreciate a shot of a particular beauty spot, or favourite place. The point is that the choice is yours, and the image can be selected to exactly chime with the tastes and preferences of your own mother.
Making Mothers day photo cards has been made incredibly easy. Whereas, when photographs were analogue in nature, making a card would have entailed either sticking the actual photograph onto cardboard or utilising highly specialised printing equipment, it has now been broken down into a set of simple and easily understood steps. The first of these steps is to choose the image you wish to use, and then upload that image to the website in question. Once you’ve done this, the software has been especially designed to make altering every facet of the card as instinctive and natural as possible. Amongst the factors which can be altered are the size and shape of the card itself, the exact cropping of the image, the use of special effects such as monochrome or sepia printing, and the addition of text to get the message across alongside the imagery.
Once you’ve done all of this, the card will be manufactured to the highest possible standard, easily matching or surpassing those which are available for card shops and stationers, and, once you’ve handed it over, it will bring pleasure and joy to a degree which something that is mass manufactured couldn’t possibly hope to match.
It doesn’t have to end with the card, however, since the same principles and techniques can be applied to a wide range of photo gifts, from smaller objects such as fridge magnets to those which are far more luxurious and lavish in nature, such as bespoke photo books
chronicling the happiest moments of family
When sending greeting cards to your mother, you want to be able to relax in the knowledge that the cards in question will represent exactly what you feel about her. Making Mothers day photo cards using your own images is far and away the best means of ensuring this, and doing so has never been simpler. From cards to photo books , gifts which use your own photographs for inspiration are the gifts which will truly stand out from the crowd.
Preserve your golden memories of life with you mum by upholding those memories by various exclusive mothers day gift ideas like canvas prints, photo books & greeting cards through Albelli.