Whether you are a website owner or an SEO professional, you will be searching for the best tools to rank your website. There is a misconception that you need to spend money and pay for appearing on the first page of Google search results.

If you properly learn SEO techniques and have the latest free SEO tools, you can rank your content in Google search. Seo is an integral part of digital marketing. There is no need to spend money to get more traffic.

In this article, I shall give you a breakdown of some free SEO tools. After reading this article, you will be capable of getting more exposure and reach more audience. Here are some latest tools according to categories.

Keyword analysis

There are several free tools for keyword searches. These tools help you in finding relevant keywords. Some of these tools suggest keywords pertinent to your requirements. It will be beneficial to check these tools and get help in your site optimization process. These tools include:

● Ubersuggest provides you different keywords options.
● Answer the public helps you find all the queries related to your industry or keyword.● Keywordtool.io helps you rank your site on Amazon, Play store, and other websites. It uses Google concept for the purpose.
● FAQfox lets you find relevant information on a specific website


Content is an essential thing to grab traffic. If you want more search exposure, you need to create content. Some free content marketing tools may prove beneficial to rank your website in search results. It the content which provides you traffic. SEO Auckland may help you for off page seo.

• Animal revive helps you to get an insight into your content. It tells you which content is dying out and needs to be updated and revived.
• Google search console is the official Google ranking tool. It tells you which keywords are because more traffic. You may see which of your posts are getting search impressions and which are not.

Rank tracking

If you want an insight into your traffic sources and geographical feature of your traffic, Google analytics may be the best tool. Google Analytics tells you how much traffic is coming from social media and how much from search results. It also gives you an insight into the demography of your visitors.

This tool does not inform you where to rank. If you want to track ranking, you need to use Ubersuggest and Google search console. Google Analytics tells you about traffic from each country. It is beneficial to use these tools for ranking and traffic analysis. You may make changes based on this analysis.

Link building

Backlinks and link building is an essential process in imparting an exposure to your website. You may link data with the help of some free tools. You need not pay for these link building tools

● Mozbar is a tool that shows your page authority and page authority. You can use this tool for every page of your website.● Seogadget for excel helps you to get your data from majestic and other tools like Moz. If you are building links, you will be using excel, and this tool is beneficial for excel use.

Technical SEO

There are a lot of changes and variations in SEO. You will have to use different tools for each SEO step. With only one thing, you cannot expect exposures. Technical SEO includes every matter related to the process. SEO analyzer is the best tool for technical SEO.

These are some tools that may help you in optimizing your traffic for the relevant audience.

Author's Bio: 

Rasel Khan is an internet entrepreneur