I grew up as an activist, always fighting to protect those I felt were being treated unfairly, fighting unjust political wars, racism, unjust rules and authority. I'm glad that I was awake and aware enough to take this path, although, I am ready to adjust this fighting nature.

I once dated a man who considered himself a Marxist. He often talked of revolution as the solution, and I talked of spiritual revolution because along with my long time activist path, I have always walked a spiritual path, inquiring deeper and deeper to find the truth. I argued that in order to truly change our world, and provide a lasting change, change would need to take place within each person or else it would just be changing who ruled over whom. He didn't talk to me for three days as he said my politics stank.

But did they?

Right now, there are revolutions seeming to take place all over the world, as people rise up to end the reign of vicious dictators and end oppressive governments. I celebrate these revolutions but mostly because I feel it is the spiritual revolution within each person that is rising up to say "no more" to being ruled by power over, greed and unjust policies.

I recently attended a socialist meeting, a first for me. The people there were kind, dedicated, intelligent people. It was an interesting experience, because although I have worked with Central American refugees during the US's oppressive covert wars in Central America, in order to provide them shelter, help with jumping through all the legal loopholes to get documented, education and care; picketed against wars and the School of Americas, I seem to now be led to a more inner path of spiritual revolution. So although I admired these people there, I knew it wasn't my path anymore.

I also support all the Occupy movements going on now around the world, as people come together in peaceful protest to wake up the world to the need to end this long reign of power over, greed and exploitation that has brought so much poverty, violence and destruction to the people, creatures, water, land and air around the world. I believe that each person needs to listen within and decide how best he or she can contribute to this transformation that is taking place.

For some, it may be taking part in a protest, for others it may be quietly meditating and focusing on a healthy, peaceful planet, and heart. Each time we face that unjust nature within ourselves, that desire to condemn, to judge, and replace it instead with self-love, peace and love directed to others, that ripples out and effects the entire planet.

I think about the words to describe this movement...revolution, reconciliation, reformation, rebirth and transformation . I believe we are in the process of truly re-claiming that which we truly are, which is One.... one with all that is, one with the divine, one within and all around us.

I recently read the wonderful book THE SHACK. Many fundamentalist Christians denounced it as going against the bible, as not being dogmatic enough. I loved the book for those very reasons as it rose above dogma and pictured a very human, loving and transformational experience for the main character through his interaction with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The author created these very tender scenes of God, Jesus and the Holy spirit being in relationship with each other with love, gentleness, honor and respect and invited the main character to participate with them and his life this way as well. Ok, so God was personified as a sassy big African American woman, Jesus as a plain looking carpenter and the Holy Spirit as a rather ethereal woman, but for me, it made these interactions more real and understandable. I feel this is what spirituality is really all about; transformation is really all about… loving ourselves, interacting with our world in this loving, honoring manner.

So this is my path now as an activist, to occupy my heart and body with love, respect, and honor and to carry this into every interaction I may have in the world. I may or may not pick up a protest sign again, but I'd like to have the biggest “sign” I carry to be my love for the world shining out brightly, to light my way and the way for others. This is what I strive to do in the healing work, coaching and workshops I offer for others, too.

Each person has to find their own path, their own way to contribute to their own transformation and that of the world around them. I have found my way now. If I can help you in any way, please let me know.

I am sending out much love and healing energy through these words. Thank you for taking the time to read them.

Blessings, Katelon

Author's Bio: 

Katelon Jeffereys has been an intrepid and passionate explorer on the path of spirituality since early childhood. Undaunted by growing up aware of a world that many denied, she has pursued her prayer for a world of peace, harmony, love and light for all. She has been a wellness therapist, coach and teacher for over 31 years, trained in 15 mind/body/spiritual therapies that enhance her innate wisdom and memories from other lives, and her ongoing study in energy medicine and other modalities. She has used NLP, hypnotherapy, applied kinesiology, EFT, Spiritual response therapy and One Commands, for the use of assisting in goal manifestation. Katelon has years of experience working with both adults and children, in schools, small and large businesses and in private practice. She is honored to be a midwife in their journey to living their highest manifestations. Learn more about Katelon and her work at www.empowerandbalance.com