Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is an ancient rediscovered natural healing technique involving the placement of hands onto the body in order to channel healing energy. It allows everyone (children too!) to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve health and enhance the quality of life.

Reiki is an amazingly simple technique to learn. It does not take years of practice, it is simply passed on through a series of attunements from a Reiki Master, sometimes called Teacher, to the student. As soon as this happens, one has and can do Reiki.

The book:

Reiki heals with the power of the universal life force. Each person is alive because this life force is already flowing through us. This life force flows within our physical body and it also flows around us in a field of energy called the aura . Life force nourishes all of the organs and cells of our bodies, supporting them in their vital functions.

This powerful life force is very responsive to thoughts and feelings. It can becomes disrupted when we accept negative (bad) thoughts or feelings about ourselves or others. These bad thoughts and feelings attach themselves to the energy field and cause a disruption in the flow of life force. This diminishes the vital function of the organs and cells of the physical body.

Reiki can heal this by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive (good) energy. It raises the level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes much of the bad energy to break up and fall away. Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, allowing the life force to flow in a more healthy and natural way.

Once a person has been opened up to become a "channel" for Reiki, this powerful universal life force energy will flow through their hands of its own accord and they will retain this ability for the rest of their life. Reiki does not conflicts with medical procedures but rather supports and enhances all other medical treatments.

Because Reiki is guided by the God-consciousness, it can never do harm. It always knows what a person needs and will adjust itself to create the effect that is appropriate for them.

Reiki goes where Reiki is most needed.

The book:

Reiki can be learned and practiced by children of any age. In fact, we believe that children are even better channels for Reiki energy because they do not carry a lifetime of "baggage" as many of us do.

Learning Reiki will enhance and instill in your child a greater sense of generosity, intuition, quietness, compassion, growth, joy, sacred-energy, happiness, love-of-god, self-love, creativity, harmony, loving-kindness, imagination, truth, beauty, goodness, equanimity, inspiration, attachment to nature, understanding, integrity, peace , wisdom and a connection to the Universal Life force, which is universal love. This Universal Love is the hope of a bright future on our planet.

Children are a very pure and perfect channel for directing Reiki healing energy. They have not yet fully awakened to the concept of self and ego and therefore, more able to "be" in their Reiki healing moments. They rarely attach their own feelings and have a sincere desire to help. They are more awake to their spiritual consciousness. Because they are somewhat newly arrived from the Spiritual realm, they are not weighed down by a lifetime of "earthly baggage" which we as adult Reiki practitioners work so hard to keep clean of.

Our methods teach children gentle, loving, healing kindness and universal love. The children we have worked with are very serious about the very important tasks that are required of them and more mature than their peers. No one can be harmed by Reiki, as it only cleanses, builds and protects.

After healing/treatments people usually feel revitalized and a sense of love, warmth and peace . We invite you to read some of our testimonials and then to give our distant healings a try.

Children can perform Reiki on all forms of life: people, plants, pets , food and water, friends and strangers, young and old... Anything and Everyone benefits from Reiki because it is Universal Love. Reiki does not belong, to any religious faith or religious organization. Its approach is universal - it IS universal love.
Practicing Reiki will teach your children to focus, to practice loving kindness, to develop a self love and awareness, to tap into their own inner powers, to help them to relax and to learn selflessness, where they will be devoted to the welfare and interests of others as well as their own. It will help them move through labels which they may have been given (ADD AHDH) and gain confidence and self esteem . They will be more aware of their special place and purpose on this earth and their sacred connectedness to all living things.

Children can watch a short introductory video by clicking below:

Click below to order the book Reiki For Children

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Kytka Hilmar-Jezek, or "Kit", as her friends affectionately call her, is dedicated to assisting you harness your full potential. Kit applies her expertise & credentials as a Dr. of Naturopathy, NLP Master Practitioner, Author, Personal Development Coach, Speaker, The Integration Expert, Reiki Master, Childbirth Educator, Waldorf Homeschooling Guru, Niche Marketing Queen and Serial Entrepreneur. She is an inspirational powerhouse; a mover and shaker who continuously challenges the status quo and walks her talk in all areas of her life...

Visit her websites and sign up to learn how YOU can benefit from her wisdom, experiences & passion.