While the term Punk Rock could be used giving it multiple meanings, the most common reference is to creative Rock ‘n’ Roll music. As such the term is one in the realm of music and songs.

Punk Rock Features

Some of the major features of Punk Rock music are –
It is creative rock music that could be real fun.
Music is upbeat and excellent melodies characterize the compositions.
While the music is hard driving and on your face, there is some focus on intelligence that makes the combination a rarity.
One of the unique features of Punk Rock is not caring about anything and going for whatever one wishes.
It is a new music and new social critique.

Brief Background

Punk Rock made its appearance at a time when the music world was virtually stormed by the Beatles in the later part of the 1960s. Peculiarly enough the first band formed by Iggy Pop the founder; consisted of people who hardly knew how to play music. Body contortions and self mutilation marked their 1968 performance. Real time for Punk Rock came in the year 1975. Though some of the earlier people displayed some aspects of punk, they were far from a complete representation of the musical model.

Arrival of Ramones

Everything for the Punk rock changed with the arrival of Ramones in 1976 that can be truly called the beginning in full earnest of Punk Rock. Finding the existing music systems boring Ramones and his team came up with their own sounds that lacked originality and were yet very much different from the traditional and mediocre.

Characteristics of New Punk Rock

Basic characteristics of the new Punk Rock music was that –
They had very few chords.Most of the popular Punk rock music was referred as three chord music.
Music was characterized by amateur and aggressive sounds.

Famous Compositions

Some of the famous compositions with the new Punk rock music were –
Blitzkrieg Bop.
Cretin Hop.
Now I Wanna Sniff some Glue.
Do you remember rock ‘n’ roll radio.
I wanna be sedated.

All said and done, new Punk rock music brought to the forefront a new type of music to the taste of many listeners as a departure from the tradition.

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State university website is the right place to approach for finding out the best information on topics like Punk rock and all its references from the Cambridge encyclopedia volumes . The site is not only a source for career search but also for building up knowledge base.