In Korea, Pakistani denizen introduce the culture, tradition, and various features of Koreans throughout the world.
Hammad highlight the koreans mode of culture, foods, games , and many other traditional themes :
Hammad Belongs to Pakistan, he recently introduce his channel On YouTube by name”Always be kind”.He went from Pakistan for achieving education goal and got bachelors degree from Korea. Now he started to take interest in Koreans culture , games, traditions and many other scenarios.he started to highlight the skating, different places of Korea, weathers of Korea, Foods of Korea and different archeological aspects. According to his YouTube channel, he point out the different places for different adventures like skating in winters. He visits various charming places of Korea and valleys. he blooms the behavior of Korean people toward Pakistanis and their interaction amongst each other.
Motive behind the struggle of this spiritual man:
This man is full of spirits.He wants to point out the sketch of Korea according to its beauty, industrial values, commercial values,Seasonal values and Various more. He also wants to Magnifies the tourism of country for adventures and visiting. he looked at different weather changes of Korea and the significances of each weather for showing spirits in different adventures. He convinced the world from his videos to visit Korea and enjoy it’s weather and play different adventures. He also requested to the people of Korea to make more better establishment in their country for enhancing it's beauty and economics.
Pakistani people behavior among eachother in korean:
He slightly glanced at behavior of Pakistani people in Korea. he said in his YouTube video, Pakistani people in Korea lives together very friendly and warmly. they have positive attitude towards each other in Korea. They share sorrows and joys with each other
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