You can, and never will, find any meaning and fulfilment in your life or business, if you go to a job every day just to make money. A job is something you do whilst in college to help you pay the bills. A vocation on the other hand, is something you do because you enjoy doing it and you feel inspired by the meaning you get from it every day. When your vocation is aligned with your highest values, you will never need any external motivation, you will be driven by a flame of inspiration, which burns from within, to carry out all the necessary activities every day. Your vocation will add real meaning and fulfilment to your life.

Don’t Look for Security, Look for fulfilment

When we look for a JOB (just over Broke) we search for the highest paying one, regardless of industry, regardless of any fulfilment we may get and regardless of any meaning, which could flow to us. Chasing money as your first objective in any job or even when you operate as an entrepreneur will enslave you to a career or business, which offers you no meaning or fulfilment. You will never have the drive or passion to really excel and fulfil your full potential. Search and discover what you really love doing and find a way to make a living doing just that. When you are working in a vocation, which is aligned with your highest values, you will excel at what you do. You will get to bask in abundance in every possible way. Money will easily flow to you, you will love what you do, inspiration will flow from every pore of your body and success will be effortless.

Remain the Master of your Life

When you are doing what you love, you obviously get to love what you do. This makes you the master of your destiny and fills your days with incredible value and meaning. You will always live in a place of fair exchange, where you will be rewarded for the value you bring to the world. When you operate in a world, where you are fulfilled, you will see all the abundance around you and believe me, you will get to share in it too. Strive to live in a place of fair exchange, where you under promise and consistently over deliver and there will always be an abundant demand for you. You will make a real contribution to the world and live a life of significance.

Chase Your Passion

Discover what your values are, what really matters to you and turn that into your vocation or business. Find a cause bigger than you, one that will benefit humankind and you will have discovered the path to invite unlimited abundance into your experience. You will no longer need to find ways to get through the day, week or year. You will be living a life of meaning, where you will be getting so much from your day, week or year. You will wake up every day filled with passion and a deep rooted desire to live in a place of grace and to contribute real value to everyone around you.

Author's Bio: 

Hi my name is Andrew Horton; I am an inspirational Speaker, Master Teacher, Radio and TV Host, Global Traveler and Author. My area of focus is in the field of human behavior, expanded awareness and enlightenment. I travel the planet constantly researching, learning and seeking ways to unlock the mysteries of the human mind. I delve into the inner workings of the universe, always looking for ways to understand my role in making things better and contributing to the improvement of the human experience. Please visit my website to sign up for a daily inspirational message by following this link Daily Inspirational Message. This is your daily call to action, a reminder to do things better each day. Visit my website at