Success is a becoming; it is never something you can successfully pursue. Are you satisfied with amount of preparation you are putting in every day, towards becoming the person you need to be, to attract the success you deserve and desire? Are you acquiring the skills, knowledge and resources you will need when that big opportunity crosses your path? We all have lucky breaks cross our paths at some time or other. Super achievers know this and ensure that they use this principal to their advantage. They work every day to improve and become more. So that when luck shines upon them they are prepared and able to take advantage of it. As Oprah says “Success is when opportunity meets preparation”.

Opportunity is Everywhere

When Richard Branson was asked, what he thought helped him become so successful. He stated that he attributed his incredible level of success to Luck. In fact he stated that we are all lucky to live in a free society, with opportunity everywhere.

As you know, we are all surrounded by what some would construe as luck or viewed differently, great opportunities; if we know what we want to achieve and we are vigilant. No one person is any luckier than another. The difference between super achievers like Richard Branson and everyone else is that he takes advantage of his lucky breaks, every time they cross his path. Are you preparing to take advantage of the next lucky break or great opportunity, which crosses your path?

Action Idea: If you want to increase the probability of becoming lucky then introduce the following few criterion into your life and apply them daily.

Know exactly what you want to achieve in your future. Have a crystal clear vision for the future.
Invest time every day preparing for opportunity or your lucky break.
Commit to become a little better today than you were yesterday.
Improve your skills, knowledge, become recognized as the expert in your field
Develop relationships with people that can assist you and grow your resources.
Create belief in yourself and foster an attitude in which you orient yourself to constantly look for opportunities or lucky situations to appear.
See yourself as being really lucky and be open to see fortuitous situations all around you.
This consistent preparation will set you up to take advantage of opportunity when it crosses your path. It is inevitable that opportunity will regularly cross your path.

Believe in Yourself

There really are opportunities all around you all the time, if you are willing to unlock your observant self and to look and see your world, without your blinkers on. You will never see what you are not looking for and you most certainly will never be looking for something you do not believe in. Believe in yourself and you will begin to see that luck or great opportunity is all around you. Constantly prepare and actively seek out luck or opportunity and you will immediately see huge positive change in your life.

Become Observant

Prepare and look at your world differently. You will begin to see opportunities or lucky breaks show up everywhere. Luck or opportunity is all around you and will show up if you believe it will and you are searching and constantly on the lookout for it. Don’t try to force luck, it will show up, it will find you. Luck or opportunity crosses your path every day. Look and you will see, seek and you will find.

Take Action

When you have done all the preparation necessary, you believe in your skills and ability, you know opportunity is out there and you finally identify yours. The last and obviously the most crucial step in the process of utilising all your lucky breaks, is to simply take action. This is probably the one step that separates those few super achievers from the masses. They get off their butts and take advantage of their luck. Mediocre people allow their luck to pass them by. You now know that your life is filled with luck and opportunity, are you going to take advantage of your, this time?

Author's Bio: 

Hi my name is Andrew Horton; I am an inspirational Speaker, Master Teacher, Radio and TV Host, Global Traveler and Author. My area of focus is in the field of human behavior, expanded awareness and enlightenment. I travel the planet constantly researching, learning and seeking ways to unlock the mysteries of the human mind. I delve into the inner workings of the universe, always looking for ways to understand my role in making things better and contributing to the improvement of the human experience. Please visit my website to sign up for a daily inspirational message by following this link Daily Inspirational Message. This is your daily call to action, a reminder to do things better each day. Visit my website at