Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

Well good news! - I just got my annual cholesterol levels back this week and they are even lower sitting at 4.1.

A couple of years ago my doctor had prescribed to me statins as he was concerned about my dangerous cholesterol levels particular my triglyceride's and he had said that I was a heart attack waiting to happen!

I stopped taking the statins after about six months as I didn't like how I felt and knew there would be side effects. Being a natural bodybuilder I was concerned about it also affecting my testosterone levels.

Well, I am living proof that it can be lowered without medication through healthy living with a good diet and exercise . My doctor said I should write a book as to how it can be done it the natural way, but I now have a blog instead! Book to follow lol!

Here are a few things I feel that help lower cholesterol levels.

Start your day with oatmeal.Oatmeal is the best food defence against cholesterol. The reason is that oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which turns into a gel in the body, which helps you feel full and also interferes with the digestion of cholesterol, whisking it out of your body.

I use pre ground oatmeal like ready brek or large chain supermarket own brand alternatives as it is pre ground and can easily mix in to a breakfast shake especially if you don’t have a lot of time in the mornings.

Change your diet .A diet , which includes large amounts of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains lowers cholesterol naturally.

Less Gluten
Wheat-based diet can cause inflammation, which may be an even a more dangerous heart disease driver than cholesterol. If you do eat wheat products, make sure they are whole grain and stay away from multi-grain products, which are no healthier than baked goods made with refined flour. I avoid bread most of the time - I would have toast on a Saturday morning that’s about it.

Reducing bad fatsBad fats increase cholesterol and your risk of certain diseases, bad fats, such as trans fats and saturated fats, are guilty of the unhealthy things all fats have been blamed for—weight gain, clogged arteries, cholesterol etc. I used to lots of sausages, bacon, cheese, margarine etc and really barely touch them now.

The mix of fats that you eat, rather than the total amount in your diet, is what matters most when it comes to your cholesterol and health. The key is to eat more good fats and less bad fats.

Eating Healthy FatsGood fats protect your heart and support overall health. In fact, good fats—such as omega-3 fats—are essential to physical and emotional health.

I use Udo’s Choice for my healthy fats, a combination of premium natural source of unprocessed, undamaged Omega 3 and 6 in a ratio that supports optimum health.

It contains:
• Flax seed oil
• Sunflower seed oil
• Sesame seed oil
• Coconut oil
• Evening primrose oil
• Soy lecithin (GMO-free)
• Rice bran and oat bran germ oils
• Tocotrienol

Vitamin D Supplementation.Vitamin D deficiency is linked to high cholesterol. The body’s ability to synthesize Vitamin D from the sun diminishes as you age. Get your vitamin D levels checked with a blood test. If your level is low, take a daily vitamin D supplement.

Exercise daily.
Even if high intensity interval training isn’t your thing a brisk one-hour walk will help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and build up your heart’s collateral blood flow.

Get more sleepSleep deprivation can increase low-density LDL cholesterol, known as the “bad” cholesterol which contributes to high blood pressure and can lead to overeating.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Kenny McDowell - 50 years young ! I was fat not so long ago and have in just 2 years transformed my physique from what it was losing 60 lbs on the way to become a champion fitness model. To find out how I did it and see if you can do the same - just visit My Story page.http://www.physiqueoverfifty.co.uk/my-story/