We all have situations come up where one thing is more important to one person than it is to the other. There are times when there are misunderstandings and we don’t always know the whole story. Other times we make things that are somewhat unimportant blow up into something really big that divides a family or a church.
Psalm 119:143-144 “As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in your commands. Your laws are always right; help me to understand them so I may live.”
Handling these situations as soon as possible is what will help solve them. After everyone cools off a bit, get them together and talk about what happened. Get them together and talk about what was going on in each area of their life at that time. Get them together and discuss what issues are there which may be deeper than what is on the surface.
By bringing the situation up to all parties involved, the truth can come out. Knowing how everyone feels and hearing their side of the story will help the other ones see what was really happening in all parts of the issue. Allowing each person to talk will help the others see the bigger picture.
When we get angry and blame others, it is not always because of the reason that appears on the surface. There are usually things that have been building up for a while. There are usually things that are behind the anger that may not be what is coming out on the surface. When we dig a little deeper in situations, we may find others are hurting and need help.
We all need to look at the bigger picture. We need to see if what led to the situation was significant or not. There are times with others become angry over small things because they are only thinking about themselves and what they want. They don’t really think about the other person, what they need and how it affects them.
We all need to think about what we say and do in situations that are heating up. When we say things in the heat of the moment, we may find that we regret it later on. When we give someone the cold shoulder because of what we think happened, we may find that we feel guilty about it as time goes by. When we allow feelings of anger to swell up inside of us, we aren’t allowing God’s love in.
The bottom line is for each of us to really determine the significance of what is happening. So many times the things we get upset about are insignificant. The things we hold grudges about. The things we blow up about. The things feel have to go our way all the time. Are they really important as how we need to treat others?
The significant things in life are about how we deal with life as God wants us to. The significant things in life are the examples we set for others. The significant things in life are those things we do for God and how we believe and obey Him in all that we do. God tells us to love one another. It is the greatest law.
Mark 12:30-31 “And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these.”
Most things, compared to what is really important in life, are insignificant. Most arguments, hurt feelings, broken relationships usually build from things that are insignificant. Comparing what we really feel is most important in our lives to what God knows is important in our lives, we see that in most things we deal with, we can let go so God can make a difference in our lives and the lives of others.
Frances Lucas has lived in the Birmingham, Alabama area for the past 40 years. She is a firm believer in leading by example and what she shares comes from her experience in life having to set her own goals and make things happen in her life…not depending on anyone else. She can help you, your team members and your employees to realize their purpose in life, learn their strengths and begin to develop their strengths.
She attended Corporate Coach University where she obtained an Advanced Certified Corporate Coach degree. Frances also has a bachelor‘s degree in Business Management and a masters in Human Resources. She has facilitated classes for large and small groups, created and organized self-improvement and employee development programs, classes, and work books. She enjoys coaching others one-on-one or in groups. Frances is a professional discipleship coach certified through Blueprint for Life Institute and is dedicating her life to helping others find their God-given purpose in life.
She has found her passion in life and wants to share her passion by helping others find theirs!
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