Are you getting the most out ofyour fundraising efforts?

Are you sure?

Learn why some people consistentlylead mega fundraisers - and others don’t

“Let’s Raise Money”, by Jack Atwell
reveals nearly two decades worth of nuts and bolts fundraising wisdom .

It’s packed full of proven fundraising techniques thatsuccessful fundraisers consistently use

“Let’s Raise Money” is for the veteran and the novice alike. You will no longer be “on your own”. This book has the answers you need to assure your

fundraising success

Who should buy “Let’s Raise Money”?

* The New Fundraising VolunteerYou will start off with the equivalent of years of experience

* The Experienced Veteran FundraiserProfit from the experiences of other successful Fundraisers

* Schools for a Fundraising ReferenceGive your fundraising volunteers a comprehensive resource

* Any Group that needs FundraisingProperly equip your Fundraising volunteers

Learn from the founder of a national fundraising company as he reveals secrets observed over nearly two decades of fundraising

He reveals how the best fundraising volunteers in the country:

* Teach sellers one question that almost always doubles sales
* Overcome volunteer burnout
* Motivate their sellers beyond their wildest expectations
* Always choose the right fundraiser for their group
* Have local businesses eager to help the fundraising campaign
* Know exactly what to expect from a fundraising company
* Know how to negotiate the best profit for their sale
* Know when to have a Tag Sale and when to avoid it at all costs
* Get their sellers to sell as much as 100% more
* Almost eliminate late orders or failure to turn orders in

Author's Bio: 

Helping Raise Money For Charities