If you landed over here, you might be working on your website and want it to be optimized, and you know what you should be seeking for SEO. A fully optimized website with SEO and web design is a key to get ranked in search results. There are many SEO agency available in the world for same but how many guarantee the SEO services as per requirement are few & also affordable SEO services is a critical point.


Garuda Web Dev analyses your website and searches for the bugs and the shortcomings that are the primary reason for not getting you ranked. After doing an in-depth study, they provide you a better and feasible solution which further going to help you.

SEO Optimization

As the heading it depict about SEO optimization, Garuda Web Dev helps you to properly optimize your blog by every mean, including Off-Site SEO, on-page SEO, and Technical SEO. Altogether these 3 SEO techniques make your site rank in the search result.


Web Design agency play an essential role in growing any platform at any stage. Until and unless your website looks excellent and interactive, nobody will be willing to land on your platform. So, trust me what people see easy and interactive they interact with it more.

An amazing web design is very important to any company or business attempting to find success online, however on the off chance that a site doesn't get an opportunity at great search rankings, not many individuals may ever get the chance to see it.

In any case, it's really one that is woefully missing on many web design. Prompt individuals on the various styles, designs, structures and capacities a site can have. Individuals need to be propelled and guided through the potential outcomes that exist. They additionally need to realize you truly comprehend the numerous complexities of structuring a site.

Why is SEO important for you?

Most Often Organic Search is the Primary Source of Website Traffic. Until and unless your site is getting a substantial Organic search, don't you think that you are even performing well. Because your customers or viewer needs to land on your website automatically.

SEO Builds Trust & Credibility

Yeah!! Absolutely right if you aren't ranking in the search that means you are not proving the relevant content to your viewers, at least not according to Google's algorithm. So, the article or the information you publish must contain the correct, consistent, and ranking keywords.

Local SEO Means Increased Engagement, Traffic & Conversions

With the increasing and growth domination of mobile traffic, local search has become a significant part of both small- and medium-sized companies' success.

Local optimizations focus on regions, specific towns, cities, and even states to build an excellent medium for a brand's messaging on a local level.

Local SEO directs at optimizing your digital resources for a specific region, so people can find you swiftly and quickly, putting them one step closer to a transaction.


We have been contemplating the SEO and website design association a ton as of late at Bowler Hat and have quite recently distributed a web architecture arranging manual for help in what can be a complicated procedure. Let's have a more in-depth look at how this company will help you to grow and get ranked in the search result.

Author's Bio: 

John Smith is a Digital Marketing Consultant with more than 8 years of experience in SEO, SEM, SMO, blogging, etc having wide knowledge base into content marketing.