If you have been paying attention to the supplement industry, one product that has been gaining popularity recently is beta-alanine. While it should not be confused with the amino acid alanine, beta-alanine itself is a non-essential amino acid, meaning that it occurs naturally in the body. Some foods that are rich in beta-alanine are chicken, beef, fish, and of course, beta alanine supplements.

Beta-alanine works its magic when it combines with another amino acid, histidine, and the two combined will form carnosine. Carnosine is a powerful intracellular buffer, meaning that it helps keep your pH levels in balance by preventing your muscles from becoming too acidic while exercising or training. When your pH levels drop below an optimal range, you quickly lose strength and endurance during training.

If you are an endurance athlete, bodybuilder, power lifter or you just want to get bigger and stronger, beta alanine may be one of the most versatile amino acid supplements available. Some of the benefits of beta-alanine supplementation are:

· Boosts explosive muscular strength and power output
· Increases muscle mass
· Improves anaerobic performance
· Aids aerobic endurance
· Enables you to train harder and longer

Beta-alanine is often combined with creatine due to the increased endurance and ATP production creatine provides. In addition, nitric oxide (NO) products are used in conjunction with beta-alanine because carnosine is a powerful precursor in creating nitric oxide synthase, which is a group of enzymes required to make nitric oxide. NO is used as a powerful pre-workout supplement to provide intense muscular pumps and vascularity.

Typically, a dosage of two grams to four grams of beta-alanine is used before workouts, and many users report immediate effects from their very first dose. It is generally recommended that you use beta-alanine for a minimum of three months to maximize your carnosine levels.

You may notice a tingling sensation from using beta-alanine. This is caused from the beta-alanine molecules binding with nerve receptors in your body and will subside after about an hour. Not everyone will feel this sensation, so it should not be used a gauge in determining whether or not the beta-alanine is working for you.

Beta-alanine has been showing some serious promise in the bodybuilding world. It has even been called “The Next Creatine” in the hopes that it will catch on in popularity the same way that creatine supplements have. With its’ potential benefits, beta-alanine may be just what you were looking for in the area of muscular endurance and off-setting fatigue during your intense training routines.

Author's Bio: 

Tim Mielke
Competitive Bodybuilder and Author

Tim Mielke has been involved in the supplement industry for over 15 years. As a former competitive body builder and personal trainer, Tim has extensive first-hand knowledge of the benefits and pitfalls of fitness supplementation. Knowledge so extensive, in fact, that his book, “The Book of Supplement Secrets: A Beginners Guide to Nutritional Supplements,” was recently published and is currently available through Amazon.com. Tim brings this supplement and bodybuilding know-how to www.superhealthcenter.com as a contributing author and researcher.