Hello Divine Beings!

As always, I write about what I am pondering, and this month I have to admit that I am a purveyor of compliments and gratitude . Sometimes people think I am over doing it a bit and they get embarrassed. However, I am of the mind that if you do something noteworthy, then I am going to praise you for it. If I feel thankful to you, I will share my gratitude with enthusiasm. In a nutshell, I want to tell you how wonderful you are!

What amuses me most about this little tidbit of information about myself is that until recently, I was not consciously aware that I was doing it. It took a mirror, in the form of a friend, to point it out to me. It happened when she had made a beautiful display that I loved and I not only congratulated her on a job well done, I took a picture of her work so that I could copy her the next time I had to make the same display myself. She, in turn, told me that I always do that. When I questioned her meaning, she informed me that I always give compliments to people, which makes them feel good. She then shared that she often thinks of nice things about others but then she doesn’t follow through to tell the person.

What occurred to me after she said this was that we don’t often hear people singing our praises to us. Why is that I wonder? Could it be that we have gotten so lost in our own little worlds that we have forgotten that other people are a part of our journey? Or maybe the simple answer is that we are a society that has been brought up in fear and because of that fact, we are taught to stick to the status quo and not reach for the stars. And if we can’t reach for the stars ourselves then the next guy surely can’t either. Unfortunately, this doesn’t help in our own creative process. Everyone around us is a mirror for us in some way. When we acknowledge their greatness, we are seeing our own greatness at the same time.

So, I say let us all shift our way of thinking by announcing that each and every single one of us is an amazingly beautiful and powerfully Divine Being--and frankly, we all ROCK!! There, I said it (ok, I mean I wrote it.) Now, I encourage each person who read it to go out and compliment others today—and always. Spread your kind words and notice how in doing so you are not only helping to elevate the other person, you are helping to elevate yourself. Let’s face it, if feels good to spread joy!

Choose Love, Life, Laughter, Joy and Kind words in your reality and you will see the magic of manifestation begin to bring all the good stuff your way...because YOU deserve it!

Thank you for reading and Blessings to you,

-Lisa Tunney

**Excerpted from my October, 2012 e-Newsletter. To read more from my e-News archives, please visit http://lisatunney.com/enews.php

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Tunney is a metaphysician with an accessible approach. She has been described as “Sex and the City meets the Dalai Lama”. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from U.C. Berkeley and a Master’s Degree in Metaphysics from the American Institute of Holistic Theology. Additionally, she teaches Shamanism, Reiki, Intuition Development, Meditation and is a Philosopher and author of the upcoming inspirational books, Blossoming Butterfly and The Seed Planter. Through the various avenues of teaching she pursues, she integrates laughter, intuition, storytelling, and most importantly, it is her goal to help guide others to listen to their own Inner Wisdom.