Many of us are very much familiar with the term, ‘memory’. It is an abstract object which we can feel only. We also know that our brain the store house of memory. The perimeter of knowledge comes to an end here. But, there are many more things we need to know about memory. As much we know about memory that much we shall begin to take care of this abstract quality.

In Psychology , the name of a process is ‘memory’. This process can encode, store and retrieve information. Through encoding information from outer world reaches our senses either in chemical forms or physical stimuli. At first, we send the information to the encoding process. The next stage is storage. Due to this storage capability, we retain information for a significant period of time. In the third process we retrieve information which has been stored earlier. We must revive it from the subconscious to conscious level. Some attempts to retrieve information are effortless depending on the type of information. From the perspective of processing of information, there are three principal stages.

• Encoding or registration: receiving, processing and assimilation of received information

• Storage: formation of a record of the information which has been encoded

• Retrieval, recall or recollection: reviving the stored information for using in an activity or process

The loss of memory is termed as amnesia or forgetfulness. We should always try to protect our memory from this disorder. The intake of natural memory supplements is one of the best ways of improving memory. Though some good physical exercises can help you very much to improve the memory and overall concentration, but the number of natural supplements is increasing.

Many people are apprehensive to take artificial memory enhancers prescribed by the doctors. On the contrary, they are interested to know in detail about natural cognitive enhancers that may produce excellent result. The doctor-prescribed medications have the risk of side-effects. They interfere with the activities of other medications which are being taken by someone. In this case, the natural supplement may work as a good and effective alternative. Suppose you have two pills in your hand with same effect. But one has lesser side-effects. In that situation you will definitely opt for the one which has lesser side-effects.

This type of natural energy supplement carries combination of elements. Each ingredient has its own specific power to enhance the memory. At the same, they are responsible for synergistic effect which is produced only with the combined effect of one another. Gingko biloba and bilberry are some of the ingredients which are observed in this type of supplement. Some ingredients, which can enhance the power of memory forcefully, are 5-HTP, DMAE, and SAMe. Certainly there are some names which you have not heard of previously. But, the true fact is that they are the chief ingredients that make these supplements so powerful. L-Tyrosine is a promising ingredient which is instrumental for improving concentration and memory during the period of stress and tension. In normal situation our memory may work well. But in some stressful situation we may feel the loss of memory or difficulty in retrieving information from the subconscious level of mind.

Author's Bio: 

Doxiderol is one of the best cognitive enhancers . If you have a lack of natural energy supplement , then you can surely depend on Doxiderol.