We are a diverse group of people, with many different thoughts, beliefs and feelings about what we consider to be our optimum well-being. As I was researching this topic because I believe in it totally, I discovered that the most ideal State where people experience the most healthy well-being is in Hawaii and the worst is West Virginia.

Of course most of us would say Hawaii is so beautiful that it is a given. However, even though they have many natural preserves and ideal scenery, it isn't only the natural environment that is the only factor, it is also the emotional state of the people who reside in a particular location that needs to be considered.

We, the people who live in the different parts of the country are the ones who actually determine the response that is felt and that contributes to the healthy or 'less than' outcome.

No matter where you live, it is the emotional and mental outlook, your state of mind that influences how you feel and how you actually respond to life's challenges. Your physical health, which includes the level of exercise and mobility that a person achieves daily also contributes to your overall well-being.

As a species, we need to enjoy the moments of our lives as they unfold. That absolutely requires us to reduce our stress level, release our anxiety and exhibit less anger and resentment. A tall order for a society that is highly motivated and decidedly driven to push the limits of our lives daily.

Being grateful and expressing appreciation for who you are and what you have is also an attribute that will foster greater positive feelings and thoughts. Sharing and being compassionate towards others is an asset. Why you might ask-because when you give out of concern or express caring to another you actually feed your soul and help heal your own inner misgivings at the same time.

We all have strengths and weaknesses but the key is to be conscious of what really serves you and know what depletes you on a regular basis. When you exercise more, have fewer addictions such as smoking or drugs and also have a job that you absolutely enjoy, your life and your lifestyle improves markedly. It is, therefore, imperative that each one of us takes responsibility for where we are on our Earthly journey and then decide how we want it to continually play out. In other words, be accountable for your behavior and your attitudes because they matter.

Maybe it is time for you to pay attention to where you are placing your focus and how you wish your life to play out? Change is possible for each one of us. When you are open to experience change and allow it to alter your behavior and environment you will be inspired to live your best life yet. You have the opportunity to create the lifestyle that will encourage an improved state of mind as well as an enhanced overall healthy pattern to a more meaningful life.

Make a commitment to yourself to examine the experiences that you are facing today and decide if they are actually serving you or hindering your health and well-being. As always, each one of us gets to decide how we want to feel daily.

Author's Bio: 

Joan Marie is an accomplished Medical Intuitive, and Business Intuitive and is the founder and President of Joan Marie Companies. She is fast becoming the World’s leading authority on the teachings of Intuition and how to make your Intuition work for you in your life. She is famous for her uncanny details as a Medical Intuitive. People seek out her skill at being able to scan your body in search of clues for the disconnect as she sees the emotional link between the disease or situations happening in your over all health. Joan Marie has teamed up with Doctors from all over the world to consult with their patients to help resolve their medical problems. Many doctors refer their clients and encourage them to work with Joan Marie because they too realize that many medical problems are emotional based. She is also a medium and can communicate and deliver messages from loved ones from the other side. Joan Marie’s life mission is to not only awaken you to your true life’s purpose but to also assist you at the core of your soul with healing any emotional problems that are continually coming up in your daily life. Through her special talents and gifts Joan Marie can share with you the exact age when your problem began as she works with you to bring you specific tools to help you heal your soul and emotions.