Have you been jamming content into your program just because you’re afraid that just you being YOU is not “good enough”?
Have you been structuring your delivery format even though it doesn’t put you in the flow, just because others are doing it that way?
Have you been talking about your offering in a way that feels icky just because you were told you’ve to “sell” that way?
In a sea of “should’s” and “how-to’s”… have you lost sight of the most critical ingredient in a fulfilling and profitable signature program?
YOU – the person who puts her name on the thing; the person who has to stand by it; the person who has to write it, sell it and deliver it.
Where are YOU in your signature offering?
It’s not just a sound-good feel-good thing. Acknowledging ALL of you in your offering impacts your bottom line:
When a signature offering embodies your value, conviction and beliefs, the energy you put into your communication is contagious and persuasive.
The WHY behind your program gives you the drive and  motivation to do whatever you need to grow your business.
The confidence and passion in your presentation attract those who share your value and are most likely to be your ideal clients.
When a signature program encompasses all part of you – your identity, talents, knowledge and life experiences – the bigger YOU feels heard.
When all parts of you are seen and heard, there’s no little bits and pieces in the subconscious that goes screaming and kicking, sabotaging your sales and marketing effort.
(This could be the hardest part for multi-talented and multi-passionate folks who have been told that they’ve to pick “one” thing based on some conventional definition of niche. Cutting an arm and a leg to fit into a box doesn’t work. Instead, find the golden thread that ties everything that is “you” together to give a deeper meaning to your offering.)
When a signature offering taps into your strengths and superpowers,you get into the flow. You become efficient and effective while delivering your services in a way that fuels you.
Is your signature offer up to par?
By that I don’t mean whether it has all the bells and whistles. I’m not talking about 108 handouts or crazy complex membership site.
In fact, if you’ve all those bells and whistles but give me a blank stare for the questions below, you’ve put the cart in front of the horse.
You probably cranked out those 108 handouts or chase after fancy tech stuff for the fear of not being good enough, or that of missing out.
What I’m really asking is –
How CONNECTED are you to your signature program?
Does it put your strength and talents in the best light possible so your ideal clients understand why you are THE one?
Does it illustrate how you create value by showcasing the unique way your knowledge and experience deliver results?
Do you feel excited and confident when you talk about it? Or do you fumble and babble? (The energy and enthusiasm behind your communication is as important, if not more, than the words that come out of your mouth or sit on a webpage.)
Does it embody your value, conviction and beliefs so you can stand by it confidently and unapologetically (so you can sell it without feeling icky)?
Does it stem from the identity of who you want to BE in your business?
Does it tap into your superpowers so you can create the best results for your clients while loving what you do every freakin’ minute?
Does it embody a deeper meaning and message that transcends tools, certifications and whatever is on your resume? 
Be honest.
Whether you’re revamping your signature program or in the process of developing one, answering these questions help you create a strong foundation for your next big thing.

Author's Bio: 

Ling is an Intuitive Brainiac. Through her unique blend of Business + Marketing coaching with a Mindset + Psychic Twist, she helps the multi-talented and multi-passionate maverick solo-entrepreneurs distill ALL their big ideas into ONE cohesive Message, nail the WORDS that sell and design a Plan to cut the busywork and do what matters, through her intuitive yet rigorous iterative process born out of her Harvard Design School training and 10 years of experience in the online marketing industry.

Ling helps her clients optimize the space between individuality + originality vs. “tried-and-true” marketing so they can express their WHY unapologetically and profitably without reinventing the wheel.

Find Ling and grab her free “How to Find YOUR Winning Formula” Training Series at http://business-soulwork.com/ywf-free/ .