Researchers have concluded that one-third of the entire population of the world experiences insomnia and only half of that number realizes the importance to consult a sleep specialist. Majority of them, however, understand, that consumption of best sleeping pills is only a temporary solution to their sleeping problem? Ask any pharmacist, and you will discover that individuals use best sleep aids for prolonged periods of time. Why are these people being prescribed this medication for longer periods? Maybe the answer is that their doctors realize that sleeping pills is the best cure for their insomniac patients.
Regular use of sleeping pills is no longer considered safe due to their potential side effects. Further, they are only effective for shorter duration and do not help insomniacs become normal sleepers. Sleeping pills also fail to completely cure insomnia. As they treat only insomnia's symptoms, any improvement in quality of sleep can only be temporary, thereby perpetuating the cycle of insomnia and sleeping aids. Insomnia can lead to devastating effects, if the medication were withheld abruptly. Sleeping medications can become a trap that escalates feelings of dependency, addiction, lowered self-esteem , and guilt. You end up having to deal with two stressful problems at the same time: insomnia and your increased dependency on sleeping pills.
When many medications are used regularly for even a short period of time, there can be a loss of effectiveness due to adjustments made by the user's body known as tolerance. While sleep medicine may work in the short term, the dosage must be increased or a new drug must be used to produce similar results. Ultimately, insomnia can return even with the continued use of the medication, plus there is the real possibility of drug dependence.
Most people who take a sleeping pill believe that it will work like a magic, the moment they have swallowed it. What actually happens is that after you take a pill, it dissolves in your body and gradually makes its way into the blood. It takes a lot of time before your body finally retires to sleep.
Problems of safety, adverse side effects, and undesirable effects on different stages of sleep dependency, addiction , tolerance, and dependence, interactions with other drugs, limited effectiveness, and rebound and withdrawal complications, all hinder the successful employment of sleeping pills for better sleep. Moreover, it is no longer considered 100% safe due to its upsetting side effects.

Natural Sleep aids like a warm glass of milk with amino acids, chamomile tea and Valerian root are better choices for a restful sleep. Herbal oils like lavender help you to unwind gently. With a specific end goal to accomplish a sound rest, you ought to roll out improvements in your way of life, every day habits and sleep patterns.You can treat insomnia by controlling your inward body clock. We prescribe that you should avoid the use of liquor, tea and nicotine before retiring to bed. You need to have a light dinner and should not watch TV or use cellphone in your bedroom. Modest physical exercises every day is a proven method to induce sleep. And lastly, for adequate and peaceful slumber, don’ try to sleep in the afternoon .
You can easily restore your natural sleep through natural sleep aids. Unlike sleeping pills, they are not addictive and their regular use doesn’t result in side effects.

Author's Bio: 

Natural sleep aids are the best solution for sleeping disorders. They are effective, successful and are not habit forming. And most importantly, you don’t require a doctor’s prescription for their purchase.