Hi there!
I know you are a happiness activist because I assume you want to help to create Peace on Earth. If we had peace on Earth, then we would have people who were smiling and laughing. Happy people smile and laugh and now we can teach happiness like we can teach math with the new Happiness Science!
Join the AMERICAN HAPPINESS ASSOCIATION and happiness activists all over the world taking a stand for world peace , love and happiness on JULY 10th, 2009 for INTERNATIONAL HAPPINESS DAY!
A day where everyone around the world participate in making the world a happier place! Founded by Liberto Pereda of Portugal, Ambassadors from each country are spearheading initiatives to encourage people to participate in this memorable day. The US Ambassadors are Dr. Aymee Coget, CEO of The American Happiness Association, Eva Gregory & Jeannie Gabilinni, Law of Attraction
Experts. A list of worldwide Ambassadors are located at the Facebook group.
Choose to spread happiness
on July 10th, 2009
WHERE:Celebrations will be held all over the world.
Participate in International Happiness
Day a variety of ways!
1. Become a member of the American Happiness Association to be abreast of the latest developments or sign up for the newsletter (free): http://www.americanhappiness.org/
2. Join the Facebook Group for International Happiness Day http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=10644279659&ref=nf
3. Sign the UN Petition for support of International Happiness Day: http://happinessday.org/en/letter-to-un
4. Join or Start a happiness club! http://www.happinessclub.com/
5. Contact your country’s Ambassador to volunteer to help!
6. Attend or host an event for your community on July 10th, 2009
7. Tell your local media about this day
8. Practice Happiness
Science on this day through:
5 acts of kindness
Smile at strangers
Appreciate, Admire and give affection to others
In 1996, Aymee Coget (pronounced Co jjayy) devoted her entire life to helping millions of people live happier lives. Since then she has established an international practice based in San Francisco teaching sustainable happiness to individuals and groups. She has received accolades from her work from people who thought they would never experience happiness in their lives as demonstrated in client testimonials such as…
"My life has dramatically changed since working with Aymee Coget in Happiness training."
"I would like everyone to know that you probably saved my life."
"I would recommend Aymee's Happiness Makeover™ to the world"
"Aymee must be another word for Angel..."
Mentioned as the Suze Orman of happiness in the New York Times and featured as the cover story for Bliss Magazine, Aymee’s work in sustainable happiness is being recognized as ground breaking.
Aymee’s combination of techniques focused on the mind, body, and spirit have helped people achieve a deep internal contentment that stays no matter what the situation may bring. Being recognized as a leader in helping others achieve sustainable happiness, Aymee blogs for many websites including Proctor and Gamble’s Capessa and Yahoo! Health . Aymee also used to have a radio show every Friday 4-5 PST on www.adviceradio.com where she, along with her co-host Bob Nozik, MD, interviewed happiness researchers, professors, authors, and professionals who know a great deal about positive psychology and the science of happiness. In March of 2009, Aymee decided to cancel the radio show and focus her efforts on something else. The recordings of the radio show will be available to the public via American Happiness Association. She is also an author in a book series focused on achieving gratitude in the face of tragedy called “Thank God I” where she writes about her story “Thank God I was fat, ugly, poor, divorced, and live in chronic pain” which is now out. In 2004, recognized as a happiness authority by Lionel Ketchian, the founder of The Happiness Club, she was asked to start a happiness club in San Francisco, CA.
Aymee takes a ‘training’ approach with her clients by seeing them as whole individuals who need to simply learn and employ the skills of sustainable happiness. Her Ph.D. is in organizational psychology with an emphasis in leadership and the science of happiness. She has found a way to help her clients take leadership of their happiness and develop happiness from the inside out. You can find out more about her work at www.makemehappytv.com or see some of her happiness lessons on video on her YouTube station called ‘Happy Aymee’.
Aymee speaks to groups and organizations about the following topics: positive psychology, sustainable happiness, taking leadership of our happiness, happiness habits, the types of happiness, creating meaning jobs, increasing job satisfaction and performance, authentic leadership, and authentic leadership development.