You could be in my seat. You’re walking around aimlessly, not sure which way to go. You could be in my seat. You can review all of the court case files, yes; you could be in my seat. You can watch people come and go, deciding their fate; you could be in my seat. Sitting there, arms in shackles, you could be in my seat.

Sitting there on the bench, waiting for the bus, you could be in my seat. Sitting in the cafeteria with all the other inmates, yes; you could be in my seat. Operating the crane for ten hours today, you could be in my seat. Helping callers on the phone, you could be in my seat. Listening to the English teacher explain run on sentences, you could be in my seat.

Waiting for my time to come so that I can walk the walk down death row, yes; you could be in my seat. In church sitting on the pew, head bowed, eyes closed, praying. Praying for one more day, one more moment, another kiss, another anything, just praying, you could be in my seat. At the funeral home looking at the coffin, hating the choices that were made, loving the laughter we shared; forever embedded in my heart, yes; you could be in my seat.

Helping that bill become a law, you could be in my seat. To have such a profound effect on others lives, yes; you could be in my seat. To reach out and offer a hug from my wheelchair, yes; you could be in my seat. You can have whatever seat you want in this grand life you have. I hope you realize how your choices affect the type of seat you will take. Walk with love, caring and understanding of yourself and others to the seat of your choice and have a wonderful life

Author's Bio: 

I have a website that is designed to help others. I do believe that we are here on this earth to learn from each other. I don't think that we give each other enough credit. I know our world can be harsh and cold and some people might not necessarily have family or friends to count on. I write all my articles and blogs. All are meant to offer hope and encouragement for others.

I wrote two books "Walk in Peace" and "My Soulful Journey" which can be purchased at Again, these books are tools to help you through whatever it is that you might be going through. It is to offer you hope and encouragement.

I also have a Blog Talk Radio show. I mainly interview authors, but I have interviewed many subject matters. Please feel free to listen to the archives at .