“I See It Differently!”

Has someone told you that physical or emotional distress is something you’re just going to have to live with?

Cindy Dillon says…

“I see it differently! You can break free of old patterns and embrace a full, healthy, peace -filled life.”

Why is Cindy successful where others fail?

Traditional approaches to wellness often fail because of a tendency to focus on different “parts” of the person, dividing the body from the spirit and one organ from another. As a result, the wellness vision goes no further than managing isolated symptoms, which are sure to come back again. They might even multiply or be replaced by different symptoms rooted in the same, unresolved issue.

Cindy sees you and your symptoms differently.

You are NOT a series of isolated parts! You are a whole person—a mind-body-emotion-spirit complex—and its all connected!

If you want a healthy life, you must look beyond obvious, isolated symptoms to what lies beneath and restore balance to the whole.

Cindy’s unique, holistic approach is helping scores of people just like you to meet their physical and emotional goals.

Are you experiencing emotional distress?

Traditional approaches to emotional issues focus on isolated “disorders” and attempt to force changes in behavior and feelings with drugs and/or behavior modification techniques. Traditional counseling sessions, which ask clients to discuss and relive painful memories, can actually add to and prolong the distress by feeding negative emotions.

Cindy sees the journey to emotional health differently.

“Persistent, negative feelings are indications that we are not in alignment with the universe or God’s plan for us. Our job is to open ourselves to the message hidden within the feelings, discover the point at which we fell out of alignment, and restore the balance that was lost. As the mind, body, and spirit regain their equilibrium, the unwanted feelings are released from the system.”

Are you experiencing physical distress?

Traditional approaches to physical health issues force the body into compliance by using toxic drugs and surgeries.

Cindy sees the journey to physical health differently.

“Physical discomforts are messages indicating more deeply rooted imbalances in our systems. If we wish to be rid of the discomfort, we must discover the meaning of the message and address the imbalance. When the reason for the message is gone, the discomfort will disappear.”

Are you dissatisfied with a relationship?

When we find ourselves in painful or dissatisfying relationships, our first impulse is usually to “fix” the other person. We say things like “He doesn’t listen to me!” “She isn’t meeting my needs!”

Cindy sees relationships differently.

“Relationships are mirrors or magnifiers, showing us something that we need to discover about ourselves. For example, if I’m frustrated because my husband isn’t listening to me, I might ask myself if there are messages coming from within me and/or my husband that I need to listen to.My relationship problems indicate an imbalance within me that is making me vulnerable to certain issues and is preventing me from addressing them effectively. If I can restore my own equilibrium, I will be able to manage my relationships in a healthier manner so that these issues are less likely to arise. AND, if they do arise, I will be able to address them appropriately.”

Here are some of the services that Cindy provides—and what clients are saying about them!

Cindy offers individual, couples and child counseling. In your sessions, set in a serene country setting, Cindy will use some of these tools to help manage the physical and emotional symptoms of imbalance in a way designed specifically for you:

• Emotional Freeing Technique (EFT) is a system by which you tap on pressure points to provide relief from emotional distress and physical symptoms, and help you manage your feelings.

“I came for one session and “did my homework” on anger for several weeks. I shared my EFT experience with my spiritual community and they asked for a workshop. Cindy did a great job with the group. About a week later I fell, and started tapping and noticed an easy, quick shift to gratitude that I didn’t fall a different way and hurt myself. In the past, I would have spent 20 minutes cursing the fact that I fell. I am AMAZED at the change in me.”

• Indigo Biofeedback Plus is a computerized system that uses quantum physics principles to identify more than 10,000 items in your body that are in or out of balance. The computer identifies which of more than 70 different holistic health approaches will be most helpful to relieve the stressors your body is experiencing. Most clients report they feel more relaxed than ever and often sleep very soundly.

“You can't imagine the affect you have on my love...Thank you sooo muchfor visiting with him on the phone the other eve. He is in a much improved place. He can talk with you so much easier. You are a God Send.”

• HeartMath is a computerized training system that indicates how your thoughts and feelings affect your heart and nervous system. With Cindy, you create a unique, individualized approach to train your brain and thoughts to calm down your body. A calm body has built in systems to heal itself.

“Cindy is truly gifted! She guided my own exploration and assessments
gently so that I could come to my own realizations and when I need
some extra help in interpreting my situation, her insights were
uncannily accurate. Cindy Dillon gets my most enthusiastic

BioMat is a far infrared, negative ion heating pad that helps detoxify and relax your body. Negative ( healthy) ions, Strengthens immune system, Increases energy & vitality, Eases joint pain, Reduces inflammation, Supports detoxification, Penetrates tissue deeply, Relieves stress and fatigue, Helps increase circulation, Stimulates enzyme activity, Improves lymphatic flow, Balances pH, Relieves pain & much more!

• SRC4U is a computerized system similar to the system described above under “ Biofeedback .” Our bodies and each of our organs are surrounded by energy fields. Irregularities in these fields can result in a wide variety of physical and emotional symptoms. Using the SRC4U, Cindy can identify and correct these irregularities, helping her clients along the road to optimum health.

“I forgot to mention how AWESOME this protocol is!! I use it on my business and myself daily and OMG.......can not tell you how my business has increased.. Really! I do not think anyone should NOT be using this protocol ‘daily’!

It is a tremendous tool and those that do not use it have a crazy fear of success (in my opinion, of course). Thank-you very much for this amazing tool!!!!”

Its time to feel good again! Contact Cindy Dillon and experience…

“Balance Quest: Health Through Inner Wisdom

skype: balance-quest

Author's Bio: 

Cindy Dillon has over 35 years experience in health care. She combines her knowledge of traditional health care with holistic/complementary approaches.She has a private practice in Pennsylvania and serves clients throughout the world using SKYPE video calls as well as clients who come into her office.