I commend you for your courage and strength to stay when leaving would have been so easy.
I commend you for knowing just what to say when I am at a loss for words.
I commend you for being so smart and never making anyone feel inadequate.
I commend you for your passion for making everything so warm, cozy and perfect.
I commend you for always teaching and setting an example for eyes and ears that are not so eager to learn or listen.
I commend you for your patience, your love and your trust. Life would be so full of uncertainty without it.
I commend you for being brave by hiding your pain instead of showing your tears.
I commend you in happiness and in sadness, as you know how to live life and acknowledge others.
I commend you for your sense of touch. It softens a worried soul and adds comfort to trembling hands.
I commend you for all of your hard work and dedication. Without it, God only knows where I’d be.
I commend you for your concerning thoughts and your honorable deeds. Through you I have learned honor.
I commend you for your contagious laughter which always brings my heart such joy.
I commend you for your ability to tackle issues head-on instead of relying on others to do it.
I commend you for speaking your mind when you could have stayed quiet.
I commend you for staying silent instead of speaking your mind.
I commend you for your strong spirit and great sense of self. The road has not always been easy but you get through it. You always come out stronger.
I commend you for your loving ways and all of the sacrifices that you’ve made. You’ve always put the needs of others before your own.
Lastly, I commend you for your forgiving heart. Without it I would never truly know how to love.
My name is Tami Principe; I created my website, http://www.WomensRecreation.com , to offer hope and encouragement to those in need. I am a Motivational Speaker, Author, Blogger, Radio Talk Show Host, and a Breast Cancer Survivor. I am the author of four books, “Walk in Peace,” & “My Soulful Journey,” & “The Wishing Well,” and “The Green Rabbit.” My radio show is http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/womensrecreation , feel free to listen to the archives.