Hypnosis could be defined as a state of inner assimilation—it is a state of mind in which the individual that undergoes or experience the therapy would become highly receptive and highly responsive to the advices, ideas and suggestions made by the hypnotist. It is a treatment in which we try to make our thoughts more focused and concentrated. By focusing on a specific and particular object, it would encourage and assist us to strive for using our potential to the maximum. Self-hypnosis however, does not really require the assistance of a trained or experienced hypnotist and it allows the person to utilize maximum of their potential to accomplish their goals and objectives.

Hypnosis requires a lot of focused attention and intense concentration in order to make the treatment a real success. An individual who has gained proper training and more experience in hypnotherapy would be able to put the mind of his subject to a state called hypnosis . Hypnotherapy always requires the entire and total cooperation from the part of the subject. Only then a hypnotist would be able to make the desired changes in some of the behavioral patterns of the subject as desired by the subject himself. Hypnotherapy is normally and commonly performed or practiced by people who have the training and knowledge in the different and various techniques used on this process.

Hypnotherapy could also be performed by the subject himself when knowing and learning the basic methods of hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is a way of treatment through which a person would be able to bring about the changes and transformation in his way of behavior or his habits . Usually, hypnotists utilize the 3 basic ways to hypnotize their subjects. The first method makes use of the technique of delivering positive tips and suggestions to the mind of the individual when he attains his hypnosis . In hypnosis , the state of mind acts upon and receives the suggestions made by the hypnotist. The second method of hypnosis could be precisely explained as an unconscious discovery and exploration of the mind of the subject by the hypnotist.

This technique utilizes the methods of hypnotherapy which helps the hypnotist to find out more or explore the past events or the experiences in the life of a person which make the subject to act in a certain way. And once the root cause of the problem is already identified and established, a trained and skilled person in the process of hypnotherapy would be able to completely remove or get rid of the problems from deep inside of the subject by using the suggestive method of hypnotherapy. And the third technique makes use of the power of the imagination of the person to bring forth or give rise to the desired effect or result from the treatment.

In this method of hypnosis, the subject would be encouraged or foster to dream or imagine about the things that they truly want or desire to attain when they finally and fully reach a state of hypnotic mind.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently published a new home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem overnight. More info about this “Quick-Action Plan for A More Confident You” is available at FabulousSelfEsteem.com .