Success is something all humans strive for. Disregarding context, it's one of the few unifying things about our species in the consistency of its appearance and the satisfactory feeling it provides when achieved. To attempt or hope for something and have the outcome be beneficial or rewarding in some way is a driving force behind human nature. However, many people don't consider the upsides of unconventional success.

Sometimes, this is simply because they don't know what would fall under the categories of conventional and unconventional success. The broad definition of success places the achievement of any goal under its umbrella, but it's simpler to look at it in terms of subsections of possible life advancements. Financial, familial, and social aspects are included.

Conventional success may include the "American dream" of the house, wife or husband, and 2.5 children, as well as a financially stable career and general health. A "successful" person in North American pop culture works 9-5 at a job they may or may not enjoy that allows them the extra cash to buy what they like. They are well-liked by neighbors and have many friends, and a happy home life.

While these are all great achievements, and most certainly things to be proud of, they are not the only source of greatness in this world. Smaller and seemingly less significant victories can have enormous impacts on your emotional state.

One form of unconventional success is a symptom of success in general: happiness . While material wealth and a well-paying career might make some happy, it sometimes is not enough for those who seek more out of life. By clearly defining the parameters of what will ensure happiness , you can realize one of the most important aspects of the short time we have on this earth.

While you may be societally accepted as a "successful" person, if you are not happy due to an abundance or lack of something in your life, you most likely won't consider yourself to be successful. Your own definition of the word, while it may not fall under the definitions of some, can determine the richness and fulfillment you receive in life.

Happy people have been known to live much longer lives. The release of serotonin experienced by happy people has been proven to reduce the mental and emotional stress that plagues many. While some stresses in life can be good (excitement over a big project or the arrival of a new family member being two of the most common), most stressful life events offer less than exemplary affects to your emotional and, in severe cases, physical state.

Unconventional success has many benefits that traditional success does not offer. The decreased stress levels that are often attained alone are indicative of its superiority over more conventional definitions of the word. Looking at accomplishments in a broader light can open the door for a happier, more fulfilling life while adding a feeling of confidence and achievement . The effects will flow into other aspects of your life and continue to enrich it.

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